PEMF / Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency to Alkalize the Body

We live today in a world that bombards us with unnatural chemistry, frequencies and what some might call electronic pollution. Furthermore, we are living far removed from mother nature and harmony with the natural elements, such as touching bare feet to the bare earth, where otherwise we would experience a magnetic alkalizing benefit via the free exchange of electron flow from the ground. This causes us to build up an acidic charge and can cause many imbalances and issues within the body.

A PEMF mat is a device that you can lay on and surround your body with an electromagnetic field of energy. This is done using magnets and other electronics. This is reported to be very soothing, relaxing, therapeutic and calming and/or energizing (depending on the setting of the wavelength) and personally I can attest that my experience using them has been positive. You can also find other handheld devices as well as other PEMF accessories.

The idea behind a PEMF mat or device is basically to mimic the existing power that is harnessed within the magnetism of of mother nature. A PEMF device emits wavelengths of vibrations which can raise the voltage of the cells. This effect can encourage ion transport via the increased effectiveness of the sodium potassium pump in each cell which would help to transport nutrients and oxygen. This increased cellular function can also help clear out harmful residues that may exist from EMF exposure at a cellular level.

Also, the charge that cells receive from PEMF frequencies can cause red blood cells to float around more independently, reducing clumping. This allows the cells to be operating in a more robust fashion, and puts them in a position to transfer and manage oxygen better. For this reason, PEMF is often recommended to be followed by breath work, exercise, or an oxygen therapy like EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy), followed after that by red light therapy (to assist with oxygen transport into the cells).

Please understand a word of caution. This is not a 100% natural source of frequency and magnetism, as the PEMF device is an artificial, man-made piece of technology. I am not a puritan in this regard, but some people might object to this. Also, just keep in mind that it is absolutely possible to overstimulate your body with this type of activity. You could overstimulate your organs and cells and even potentially over-detoxify your body too quickly which could lead to a healing crisis or exhaustion.

For this reason, my preferred PEMF device and the one more beneficial in my view would be one that puts out a lower amount of power as compared with some others out there which are emitting a very high-powered frequency.

You can find the PEMF device that I would prefer here:

PEMF mats are not cheap, costing several thousand dollars for the best quality ones, and even utilizing this service in a local wellness facility can run about $25 to $50 per session. This is truly more of an elite activity at the higher end of the socioeconomic spectrum. A more affordable strategy to still get similar benefits (albeit not as powerful) would be the Earthing / grounding products as covered in another section, and the most cost-effective option (free) is simply to contact the surface of the Earth with bare feet.

Nonetheless, a PEMF therapy device is certainly worth trying in my view, and someday you may be in a position to invest in keeping this extravagant piece of technology in your home to give yourself the gift of magnetism, vibration, and frequency!