Yearly Archives: 2023

How the Body Digests & Processes Different Foods

In the scope of the information that I will cover here with Rapid Regeneration, to figure out how to get yourself healthy and well, is:— What are the optimal foods to eat?— When and how to eat the different food types and different macro-nutrients (carbs, fats, proteins, etc.)?— How does the body respond to different foods or how it is affected by different foods?— Why and how are certain foods beneficial to the body encouraging cleansing and regeneration?— Why and

How the Body Digests & Processes Different Foods

In the scope of the information that I will cover here with Rapid Regeneration, to figure out how to get yourself healthy and well, is:— What are the optimal foods to eat?— When and how to eat the different food types and different macro-nutrients (carbs, fats, proteins, etc.)?— How does the body respond to different foods or how it is affected by different foods?— Why and how are certain foods beneficial to the body encouraging cleansing and regeneration?— Why and

Which Foods are Humans Supposed to Eat?

One of the big questions surrounding the topic of diet is — what are humans supposed to naturally eat?This question of our roots explains a phenomenon like the paleo diet, consisting of meat, cooked vegetables, nuts and raw fruits and vegetables, which assumes that ancient humans were hunting animals, cooking and eating their meat and cooking vegetables, but were not farming grains and processing them into breads, or making other processed foods.There is of course evidence that certain groups of

Which Foods are Humans Supposed to Eat?

One of the big questions surrounding the topic of diet is — what are humans supposed to naturally eat?Questions of anthropology always have a bit of mystery to them. Without a time machine, it’s hard to know conclusively what happened at the origins of humankind. All we can do is look at the evidence we do have. Perhaps our observations will not be conclusive or will be nuanced with a bit of grey area, without it being so black and

Beware these Body Pollutants that Destroy Health

I will document here some of the main sources of body pollutants:Chemicals in the food and in beverages are a big one. Start reading the labels of what you are eating and drinking and you will be shocked. Then, start looking up what these ingredients actually are in substance and you might fall off your chair.The ubiquity of chemicals in the food and drinks has matched the dramatic increase in health problems over the course of the 20th century and

Beware these Body Pollutants that Destroy Health

I first got hip to the concept of cleaning out the body, detoxification & regeneration once I understood that the cause of my health problems was over-toxicity of the body, and being overloaded with pollutants inside of the body. At the time I was horribly fatigued, with constant headaches, exhaustion, brain fog, cognitive impairment, sinus pressure, and lack of my typical life force energy. I knew my system was messed up but didn’t realize the nature of toxicity and how

Understanding Body Chemistry — Alkaline vs. Acidic

Much of the nature of getting healthy and well is related to making sure that the body’s chemistry is regulated properly. A healthy individual with a high degree of well-being is very likely to have a body chemistry that is either close to neutral or favoring the side of alkaline chemistry.On the other hand, an individual who is plagued with health problems, no matter which area of the body, is highly likely to have acidic chemistry ravaging throughout the body,

Understanding Body Chemistry — Alkaline vs. Acidic

Much of the nature of getting healthy and well is related to making sure that the body’s chemistry is regulated properly. A healthy individual with a high degree of well-being is very likely to have a body chemistry that is either close to neutral or favoring the side of alkaline chemistry.On the other hand, an individual who is plagued with health problems, no matter which area of the body, is highly likely to have acidic chemistry ravaging throughout the body,

Understanding the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is the plumbing system of the body. It is where acidic chemistry and toxins go to be eliminated. An issue that can come up is that many people’s lymphatic systems become overloaded and thus become stagnant and toxic areas.Just imagine what happens when a plumbing system gets backed up, and wastes are not draining and filtering properly. If this happens within the body, the toxicity can expound and become worse and worse the more that the lymphatic

Understanding the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is discussed only very rarely in the mainstream scientific community, although lymph nodes sometimes are more often. If somebody is trying to get themselves healthy and well, and especially if this person is interested in detoxifying and cleaning out their body, he or she should definitely be very interested in an in-depth understanding of this vast and critical system.The lymphatic system is the plumbing system of the body. It is where acidic chemistry and toxins go to