Monthly Archives: September 2024

Natural Hygiene Self-Healing Principals with Seth Bailin

(00:00) Intro(01:00) Seth Bailin story of going down the rabbit hole of learning information for natural hygiene, terrain model, life science(02:44) Isaac Jennings and the Tree of Life, self-healing mechanism(04:00) Toxic threshold in the body — Toxemia Explained, John Tilden book from 1926(05:41) Body’s regenerative capability(07:10) What is actually harmful to put in the body? Acidosis and too much acidity in the body, acid-forming foods(10:09) History of natural hygiene movement, Greek goddess Hygeia, Hippocrates(11:46) Explaining anabolism and catabolism — build

How to Locate and Select Fruit that is High Quality, Fresh, Ripe and Affordable with Seth Bailin

(00.00) Intro(00:50) Seth’s story of overcoming serious health issues, going high-fruit vegan quickly(02:15) Seth on fruit being best food for humans(03:06) Seth’s book The Fruit Companion(04:07) Why is fruit ideal? Is fruit good because of an absence of acid chemistry that other foods have?(08:59) Seth Bailin’s opinion on conventional versus organic produce(13:35) Selecting local food / farmers’ markets / straight from farm options(15:30) How to get a bulk discount on produce(16:03) Produce from small scale farms versus grocery stores(16:38) Asking

Seth Bailin on Overcoming Allergies, Asthma & Skin problems with Whole Food Vegan, Water Fasting, High Fruit, Holistic Lifestyle

(00:00) Intro(00:56) Seth Bailin’s issues with allergies, pneumonia, asthma, skin problems since being a baby(05:01) 2020 happened and Seth Bailin investigated root cause of all health issues(06:09) Manifesting the knowledge you will need to get to the next step(07:22) Health issues that were eliminated: chronic asthma, colds, allergies(11:13) Experience of transitioning to a vegan diet(12:40) After changing to a vegan diet, Seth stops pursuing sexually promiscuous activities(16:04) Transitioning — eating fruit for breakfast(23:51) Incorporating some cooked, whole foods into the