Yearly Archives: 2024

Iridology — Window into Your Health

It’s amazing how God, the universe, creation, nature, or whatever you wish to call it provides us with the tools to fix our problems and transform ourselves. There are so many invasive, harmful or toxic procedures which damage the body just to try and find out what is the state of the body. Sometimes, the damage caused by the investigative technique is more harm than it’s worth. It doesn’t always have to be that way.The eyes have been referred to

Iridology — Window into Your Health

It’s amazing how God, the universe, creation, nature, or whatever you wish to call it provides us with the tools to fix our problems and transform ourselves. There are so many invasive, harmful or toxic procedures which damage the body just to try and find out what is the state of the body. Sometimes, the damage caused by the investigative technique is more harm than it’s worth. It doesn’t always have to be that way.The eyes have been referred to

Meditation — Tapping the Raw Power Within

As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements,

Meditation — Tapping the Raw Power Within

As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements,

Yoga and Stretching for Youthful Energy

Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed.I know you know that

Yoga and Stretching for Youthful Energy

Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed.I know you know that

Oxygenate Your Cells / Deep Breathing / Breath Work / Wim Hof

We think so often about food, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, and so forth, that we can get to the point where we can overlook one of the most important elements for our bodies — oxygen. To the degree that oxygen is abundantly available and distributed throughout our body’s tissues, we will experience energetic and vibrant health and longevity. To the degree that oxygen is missing, we will experience health problems, liabilities and complications of

Oxygenate Your Cells / Deep Breathing / Breath Work / Wim Hof

When it was first recommended to me that I try breath work, it just seemed too simple to me. I was resistant at first, thinking that surely this couldn’t provide that much dramatic benefit. What I discovered is that these simple, free techniques provide some of the most dramatic support to the body out of anything that can be done, including supplements, foods, and even expensive therapies.We think so often about food, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants,

Utilizing Hot and Cold Temperatures

In this world, there are good stressors and bad stressors. A bad stressor would be an unhealthy relationship with an individual who is abusive, staying in a job that is a dead-end, bending over backwards just to appease an unfair boss or customer, or depriving yourself of sleep. A good stressor would be exercise, loading weights onto the muscles and bones, pumping the heart rate and working the lungs, abstaining from food for a period of time, or putting yourself

Utilizing Hot and Cold Temperatures

VIDEO The essence of the information that I have gathered — over my many years of investigating, experimenting and refining different concepts since 2015 in my study of natural healing — is that we are blessed to harness the power of Mother Nature within the natural phenomena that already exist. At its best, natural healing is simply allowing the natural order to rebalance itself and ourselves with it.Such is the case with hot and cold temperatures. In this world, there