Massage, Chiropractors, Acupuncture and Energy Work

For thousands of years, human civilization has been trying to figure out ways to stimulate, enhance, and repair the body’s natural flow of energy, through the skeletal structure, connective tissue, skin, and nervous system. The energy of the body actually travels through the body in a series of spirals, all interconnected in an amazing network and pattern that is like the most beautiful artistic creation.

As opposed to eating toxic chemical pills, getting cut open with instruments while unconscious, getting beamed with radiation, or other activities which have a directly harmful affect on our bodies, when you deal with acupuncturists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and/or energy workers, you tend to have a much lower risk of damage to tissue or harmful side effects. In fact, if you get somebody who is extremely well trained, intuitive and effective at their craft, your risk of harming your body should be completely zero.

Chiropractic adjustments target misalignments in the spine and skeletal system. These imbalances create a lack of ease of the body’s natural flow of nerve energy to correctly travel from one point of the body to another. After an effective adjustment, it can often feel like a lightbulb or electrical circuit has been switched on. The body will then ideally hold that adjustment and recall what it was like to have total ease of movement and a natural poise and energetic flow. Just think about how a baby sits up with such an elegant poise and upward pull — that is our aspirational state of being as fully actualized bodies.

Massage therapy targets the soft tissue that surrounds the skeletal system, including muscle, sinews, ligaments, skin, lymph nodes, and connective tissue. Over time, acidic waste can harden and form a kind of grit that can get lodged into the connective tissue. This grit can be worked out with good old-fashioned elbow grease, certain tools that can rub into the skin, and a talent for understanding the body’s flow of energy and lymphatic system to help eliminate wastes. The lymphatic system can also be stimulated during massage, including the neuro-lymphatic points, and/or craniosacral massage, to stimulate and accelerate the body’s natural desire to eliminate wastes and heal itself.

Acupuncture is the Chinese tradition of sticking tiny needles into a very shallow point underneath the skin along certain energy meridians. The practice stimulates a network of energy flows that go throughout the body which are associated with different systems, organs and functions of the body. When the nervous system is stimulated by the needle, it helps to activate that entire circuit, which can run from one of your toes, up through your leg, torso and up into your head for example. Once a circuit gets turned on, it helps rehabilitate the body’s natural awareness of that energy flow so that your body can then naturally sustain the flow of nerve energy through that circuit onwards.

Energy work deals with the magnetic field of a human being, which emits frequencies and radiates out a sort of spiritual force field into the universe. This outward radiation should be positive and resilient, but can become suppressed, warped, or even possessed. Individuals who are gifted in this area can help to unblock these obstructions in a person’s natural energy flow and they work with the energy field of the person, which flows through the body, but is also surrounding it and flowing outwards as well.

All four of these things can really take your healing to the next level, in my experience, and all of these modalities also complement each other nicely. A good chiropractor will acknowledge the value in massage therapy, acupuncture, or even energy work, and vice versa.