How to Locate and Select Fruit that is High Quality, Fresh, Ripe and Affordable with Seth Bailin

(00.00) Intro
(00:50) Seth’s story of overcoming serious health issues, going high-fruit vegan quickly
(02:15) Seth on fruit being best food for humans
(03:06) Seth’s book The Fruit Companion
(04:07) Why is fruit ideal? Is fruit good because of an absence of acid chemistry that other foods have?
(08:59) Seth Bailin’s opinion on conventional versus organic produce
(13:35) Selecting local food / farmers’ markets / straight from farm options
(15:30) How to get a bulk discount on produce
(16:03) Produce from small scale farms versus grocery stores
(16:38) Asking growers about pesticide usage
(17:49) Getting good fruit in a non-tropical location
(22:21) Tips and tricks on procuring from grocery store versus wholesale market or distributor
(26:44) Climacteric fruit versus non climacteric fruit
(30:59) Identifying waxes applied to skins of fruit
(35:06) How to start sourcing fruit varieties and rare fruits, Latin and Asian markets
(41:32) How to stay in touch and follow Seth Bailin