Natural Hygiene Self-Healing Principals with Seth Bailin

(00:00) Intro
(01:00) Seth Bailin story of going down the rabbit hole of learning information for natural hygiene, terrain model, life science
(02:44) Isaac Jennings and the Tree of Life, self-healing mechanism
(04:00) Toxic threshold in the body — Toxemia Explained, John Tilden book from 1926
(05:41) Body’s regenerative capability
(07:10) What is actually harmful to put in the body? Acidosis and too much acidity in the body, acid-forming foods
(10:09) History of natural hygiene movement, Greek goddess Hygeia, Hippocrates
(11:46) Explaining anabolism and catabolism — build up and break down of toxins
(13:23) The germ theory challenged by natural hygiene. ‘WTF is natural hygiene’, episode on Radial Health Podcast
(14:06) Herbert Shelton’s work in natural hygiene and TC Fry his student
(15:37) Fixing the root cause versus treating symptoms of a health problem
(16:43) How mainstream has natural hygiene approaches been throughout history?
(18:06) Hydropathic Encyclopedia by Russell Thacher Trall
(18:34) Water fasting institutions and history
(19:31) Natural hygiene movement gets overshadowed and goes underground
(26:50) Overlap between natural hygiene and raw vegan / fruit-based nutrition
(32:55) How to listen to your body
(37:07) Where to find Seth Bailin