Additional Cleansing and Other Supplements to Consider

At this point, if you have followed along with the information contained within the Rapid Regeneration program, you have now completed total body cleansing. This is truly amazing and revolutionary and after I had completed the first four cleanses I really did feel completely different and better and had such an empowering sense of momentum. I felt renewed confidence that I could actually solve my health problems, and frankly my faith in humanity and in nature was restored, by the fact that these formulations were assembled by a human being trying to help me from the most amazing ingredients of nature.

So what next? After you have completed these steps of total body cleansing, if you would like to continue making improvements to your health and eliminating your health problems, there are a few options you can consider:
— You are likely feeling renewed now and may be desiring more clean, healthy foods, so you can start focusing on transitioning to a more healthy diet
— You can repeat any of the four body cleanses for continued results and deeper cleansing in a particular system
— You can do some additional herbal cleansing which would target other areas of the body
— You could investigate other supplementation options aside from just herbal formulas
— You can do any combination of the above options, or start implementing a number of many other multitudes of techniques and methodologies that will help improve overall wellness

Ultimately, much of this will depend on your unique budget and what you are prepared to invest in your health. Eating healthier shouldn’t really cost you any more money than what you’re spending now on food (maybe a few dollars more here and there). But herbal supplements are no doubt an extra investment of capital. So, if you’re in a position where you can trade dollars for increased health and vibrance, then go full steam ahead. If not, don’t worry about it, skip this chapter and focus on the foods you are consuming which should still get you amazing results, and come back to supplementation when you are in a different financial position.

In my personal experience, what has been powerful in my own healing journey have been the times when I have felt really compelled and inspired in a certain area. I never really felt like I was forcing my own self-healing process in some way. I never tried to put myself on a diet or force myself to eat foods I didn’t want to do. The amazing thing about the supplements I took and the cleanses I completed was that, after I was done, I felt like eating healthier. I craved natural, wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It didn’t feel like work to eat better foods (whereas before I felt completely addicted to junk foods) and suddenly I felt filled with momentum and desire to eat healthy.

Changing what you’re eating can certain sound daunting, but it really shouldn’t be if you are already changing from the inside out in terms of cleaning your body out and regenerating yourself. Pay attention to your own feelings and promptings because you might find a gift from God — the desire to actually eat healthier. It’s hard to imagine, but just try to envision a day when you wake up and instead of craving the usual junk foods, you actually desire to eat a big smoothie or a fruit bowl. It makes things so much easier when you have passion on your side and you’re not dragging yourself along.