Cooked vs. Raw Foods

Here are the main differences between raw foods and cooked foods:

1 Difference: The chemistry of the food changes and becomes acidic when cooked:

When a food is heated, it lowers the pH of the foods. The Acid/Alkaline scale is measured on a pH scale, from 0 to 14, 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline and 7 being completely neutral.

By cooking the food, it alters the chemistry of that food. As we have all learned in elementary school science class, this is the nature of chemistry and is simply cause and effect. When something gets heated, it causes the molecules to change and rearrange and in some cases oxidize and the result is a food that has had its pH lowered. Throughout this process, different harmful chemical compounds can be created by the cooking of the food, including carcinogens like acrylamides.

Some foods like vegetables start off alkaline-forming and become less alkaline-forming when heated, although in my research the vast majority of foods change from alkaline-forming to acid-forming, or go from slightly acid-forming to even more acid-forming when cooked.

This gets down to the nitty gritty of what Rapid Regeneration is all about, which is fixing the body or allowing the body to fix itself by putting it into an alkaline state. This allows the proper conditions to persist so the the body can be in an ionic state while alkaline, rather than a coagulative state that is associated with highly acidic conditions.

2 Difference: You lose out on so much in terms of probiotics, phytonutrients and other nutrients when foods are cooked:

You may have seen a craze in recent years over the amazing benefits of probiotics. People seem to be guzzling down these expensive drinks with bacteria added to them, which are considered beneficial.

It is true that beneficial bacteria are a huge contributor to overall good health in the body. It is these bacteria which act as the custodians of the body, because they consume acidic waste within the body, and basically process that into more broken-down chemistry which is less acidic. This resulting ‘bacterial waste’ now has a higher pH (less acidic) and can be filtered out more easily through the kidneys and bladder, to put it simply. This process also contributes to the creation of Vitamin B compounds and other nutrient cofactors.

3 Difference: Energy of the food is lowered dramatically when cooked:

The energy of all matter can be measured using a unit of measure called angstroms. Just for reference, a healthy human body on average will be measured as having approximately 6,500 angstroms, although it can vary depending on the individual. Raw vegetables contain approximately 8,000 to 9,000 angstroms, while raw fruits contain approximately 8,000 – 10,000 angstroms or more.

By eating these raw foods, as you will experience, you literally raise your energy of your body and can feel the powerful interaction with these compounds that are resonating more energetically. It’s a fascinating and rather incredible process that you will get to experience firsthand if you embrace the power of raw foods. In fact, most people know about this experience on an intuitive level, because everybody seems to enjoy fruit for a light, energetic snack. But maybe this will provide some additional insight and additional reasons to eat it more often.

On the other hand, cooked foods vibrate at a much lower frequency than a human who is in healthy condition. Cooked vegetables have their energy lowered from 8,000 – 9,000 all the way down in the 4,000 — 6,500 angstrom range.

4 Difference: Spirituality, Awareness & Consciousness: