Do you Have to be Vegan or Plant-Based to Benefit from Raw Foods?

The world of raw food-ism and the world of vegan-ism are closely related — that much is true. And so it may be easy to assume that I am pitching you to be vegan by going through all of this information.

I would emphasize that this really isn’t a program about veganism, per se. Many vegans, in fact most of them, still eat basic vegan junk foods and cooked food combinations which are detrimental to health. They will wind up with similar problems as the rest of the world and can likely end up needing regenerative transformation from raw foods ultimately just like meat-eaters.

The short answer to this question is that anybody can benefit from the power of raw foods, despite what they’re eating on the side. There are many levels to the power of the process described in Rapid Regeneration, and you can benefit moderately or greatly, depending on how much you commit to feeding yourself these superfoods in contrast with other foods.

After time, I ended up transitioning to plant-based foods exclusively. However, this was never my intention to give up animal foods when setting out to fix my health problems.

Ultimately, my desires have simply changed. A steaming skillet of fajita meat just no longer excites me like it used to. This is a strange concept that is almost impossible to fathom, for a meat-eater, unless you get to this point in your own body transformation to experience it for yourself.

I also think that parasite and harmful organism cleansing definitely contributed to changing my appetites and desires. After all, an intestinal tract full of purifying meat is one of the most prolific breeding grounds for parasites, especially tapeworms and intestinal worms of all varieties. Raw sushi for example has an incredible number of parasite eggs contained in each square inch of it. These specific parasites proliferate within the intestines of an individual, and what do they crave and feed on? Rotting, decomposing flesh. It is my opinion that these parasites influence the host in what they want him/her to eat so that they can be fed. Once these parasites get killed and flushed out, many of these cravings for meat and animal products stop. It’s really amazingly simple.

My message to you is not to become vegan — it’s to do whatever you want. But, my other message to you is about the power of raw foods, herbal cleansing and supplements. If you start going in that direction, and adding more of these things into your life, there is no need to worry so much about cutting things out or making strict rules about what you can’t eat like giving up meat. You don’t have to be a vegan cop about that to yourself at this phase. If you simply focus on the good things, then just buckle up and see what direction that this will take you in.

I leave the rest in your hands. I would just like to play a role in getting you started down that road towards your wellness goals, and away from your health problems. Use the tools I will lay out in this program, and they will take you far regardless of the choices you make about animal products. As far as what will ultimately happen with your dietary choices, I have no idea. I hope you will focus on the Now and be present in your journey towards wellness, vitality and regeneration and use the incredible power of raw foods to transform your life. It will be exciting and maybe even surprising to see what will unfold for you!