Breaking Out of the Food Matrix

I don’t want to sound too freaky, but once you get yourself healthy and well, and break your addiction to junk foods, you might look around and see a bunch of junk-food-addicted food zombies walking around, just waiting until they can get their next fix, overweight, and eating themselves into an early grave.

As your awareness levels go up, this planet starts to resemble more and more a place where a lot of souls are essentially taken over by their desires for food, almost like they are infested, like ‘The Invasion of the Body Snatchers’. In some cases, this may be true, especially as you become more educated about parasites and how these harmful organisms can influence an individual’s appetite and behavior, if not properly cleansed out of the body.

Speaking of parasites, you have industrial food giants whose ideal customer is somebody who is overweight and who overeats, while addicted to their food products. Due to poor diet choices, this person may perhaps become chronically sick, although ideally they shouldn’t get too sick too fast. This target customer should still be functional so they can have discretionary income and give up four to six adult decades of their money to buying these food products, over and over again.

Perhaps you feel I am being too cynical. Unfortunately, there are predatory groups on this planet and although I don’t subscribe to their philosophies, this is how they think. Living in denial of this is simply a drop in awareness.

And although these are two separate breeds, there is another group which is parasitic in nature, referred to as Big Pharma. These mega-corporations benefit when there are individuals who are sick but can stay alive for numerous decades, so the sick humans can pay for prescriptions, month after month as prescribed. The general population’s problems may even be connected to the unhealthy junk foods being sold to them by Big Agri in the first place. Big Pharma swoops in and capitalizes upon the poor lifelong health of its consumers. The truth is that Big Pharma would cease to exist if the entire world’s population got healthy and well — their existence is sadly incentivized by people’s suffering from poor lifelong health.

Food has been used as a method to control populations for thousands of years, whether the goal was outright totalitarian control, like it was more historically, or whether the goal is profits, like perhaps we see more in modern times.

Going back through the history of civilization, in feudal society (the land of kings and queens, etc.), the general lower class of people (98%+ of the population) were told what they could grow food-wise, what they could keep, and what they couldn’t. The vast majority of people were agrarian based, meaning that a family grew food on a plot of land — that generally they didn’t even own — and used that food to feed their family. Then, a percentage of that crop yield would be given up to the crown (taxation for the king). You can imagine how limited the nutritional options were for food in this type of environment.

We now live in amazing times, where we have experienced a renaissance in freedom and revolutions against hyper-controlling governments in the last few hundred years. This has opened up market trading and allowed for people to freely buy and sell products from across the world to one another. From a food perspective, this took humanity out of the Dark Ages and into an age with an abundance of food options. Think of how many food options you can access from all over the world with your discretionary income.