Eating Healthy is Not For Everyone and Here’s Why

A lot of people sort of recoil with distaste at the concept of eating very healthfully, especially with regard to eating lots of raw foods. They look at somebody who does that as some kind of natural freak, almost like a space alien, and they think of eating this way as a sort of aberration of what life is supposed to be all about.

You can see how this would be important to address, on multiple levels. You might be having this experience yourself. Or, if you are resonant with the ideas of using raw foods to heal and regenerate yourself, then surely you are surrounding by some individuals who have zero interest in this modality and are perhaps averse to it. If so, it’s important to understand where they are coming from.

I am also going to confront an elephant in the room which is not pretty but it’s worth being honest about this to deal with it. Unfortunately, some large portion of the raw food / fruit-centric / plant-based / vegan community are at least perceived as having a bit of a reputation for being pretentious and/or close-minded and/or pushy about their beliefs and trying to press their belief system onto others. Along the same token, it has been reported by different people that some of these same people can sometimes be judgmental and even use tactics to try to make somebody feel guilty about eating junk foods or animal products.

As you continue your journey of healing and regeneration, remember that you exist on a planet of approximately 90%+ of people (at the time of writing) who may have little to no interest in this topic. Consider the notion that perhaps you should be a kind soul to all individuals on the planet no matter what they choose to eat, both for their sake and for yours as well, so that people from different walks of life can co-exist in some kind of relative harmony.

Before I fell ill, I was not particularly interested in the idea of a plant-based lifestyle, much less a lifestyle consisting of much raw foods. I was open-minded and receptive towards the notion of supplements, and even things like the power of raw fruits and vegetables, and the importance of eating whole foods. I was certainly conscious of maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle which I thought consisted of me watching the type of foods I ate, trying not to eat excessive amounts of calories all the time, and exercising. I was certainly interested in being healthy enough so I could be trim, in good athletic shape, and possessing a vibrant life force energy throughout my days.

Here is the issue getting somebody like that (or the ‘me’ from that time) interested or receptive to eating healthier and more raw foods — I was able to enjoy my basic livelihood while still eating (in moderation) cooked foods including meat and eggs, occasional dairy, breads, grains, alcohol, soft drinks, and other culinary treats which are off-limits in the raw-food world.

The fact is — at that time — I enjoyed my food and it gave me great pleasure, three times a day. I took pride in the fact that I was disciplined enough to achieve balance and remain in good athletic condition while still enjoying ‘guilty pleasures’ and indulging in the sensory delights of cooked foods.

So it is important to understand this is one type of individual who you will come across many times. He or she will have no immediate, urgent health problem to solve and is functioning at a good acceptable level to himself or herself. In my experience, there is no point to try and persuade them of how great this information is, because ultimately, what problem does that solve for them? There is none.