Higher Level Cleanses & Fasts for Accelerated Results

There are five main higher-level cleanses that I have personally done and which I will cover here:
— Fruit-Only Cleanse / Fruit Fast
— Juice Only Cleanse / Juice Fast / Juice Feast
— Grapes-Only Cleanse / Grape Fast
— Lemonade Cleanse AKA ‘The Master Cleanse’
— Water Fasting

There are also other ones which could fall in the same category like celery juice or vegetable juice cleansing, watermelon-only cleansing, oranges-only cleansing, coconut water cleansing, and so on and so forth.

I have listed these out more or less going from the least intense to the most intense. Eating only fruit can be done and you can absolutely do it — the question is, for how long? Anybody can go one or two meals with just fruit. But can you go two days? Three, four, five days? This is an extremely powerful tool which can accelerate you at quantum levels in terms of cleansing and rebuilding.

Juice fasting or juice cleansing is a well-known phenomenon and extremely powerful as well. Again, it can be pulled off by most individuals who can still handle the intensity of the experience, although going for more than one or two days without solid food can be quite challenging for some.

Moving into things like grape fasting and lemonade cleansing, these can be even more intense due to the highly astringent nature of these fruits. This results in the puckering of the whole body, as negative acidic chemistry is pulled from deep in the tissues and cleansed out. This is a very intense experience. Also, as the body consumes less variety of foods (mono-eating) this can become a spiritual or even a psychedelic experience as you break into new levels of simplicity in consciousness. These two are definitely not for beginners.

Water fasting is very intense and ideally would be attempted by an individual who has already done very deep cleansing and detoxification on their body. Removal of all consumption of food can have a very intense effect on the body as all energy of the body is spared from digestive duties and can focus on healing and repair of its systems. This has been used for thousands of years as a manner of healing, often in combination with sunlight, grounding with the Earth, and bathing in mineral-rich waters — isn’t it amazing how nature provides rejuvenating tools which are so simple? Water fasting has been described by many including myself as a deeply spiritual experience, as the mind lets go of attachment to food after a couple of days and the consciousness is freed up to really expand and explore its full potential.

There are so many neat benefits to doing these higher level programs. Personally, I noticed that my body really went into extreme deep cleansing mode. It seemed to take things up a notch in terms of my body’s self-awareness and innate intelligence. Even after going back to eating regularly, I felt as though my metabolism and energy had shifted up a couple gears. These experiences were fun, adventurous, and were also psychedelic sensory experiences as good or better than most drugs I’ve tried. It also gave me lots of motivation and inspiration and a huge sense of confidence from possessing the discipline to complete each of these endeavors.

It would be smart to definitely cleanse the body out using the cleanses described in the early chapters of Rapid Regeneration — intestinal, liver, parasite, and herbal cleansing — so that your body is already cleaned out at least through one round of eliminating acidity, toxicity, mucus, and wastes.