Juice Cleanse / Juice Fast / Juice Feast

Much ado is made about juice cleansing or juice fasting. It’s even become a meme of sorts within popular culture. Even those most junk-food-loving in our society, who scarf down pancakes, waffles, pizzas and cakes like there’s no tomorrow, express reference to the juice cleanse as part of their vernacular. ‘Man, I’ve really been on a tear lately with the fast food, alcohol and sweets. I think it’s time for me to go on a juice fast.’ This would be followed naturally by, ‘Just kidding of course.’

People sort of know by common sense that consuming only the juice of fruits and vegetables for an extended period of time must be healthy — or at least healthier than what most people are doing. Well guess what? It is! No surprises here in that department.

I am not breaking to you something here that you don’t already know or imparting some kind of ingenious revelation in this chapter. Everybody knows that doing a juice cleanse can be beneficial for your health and wellness. I just want to offer my own unique perspective on this and maybe a few insights to help you pull this off, whenever you’re ready.

Indeed, doing an extended juice cleanse or juice fast is markedly different than just juicing as part of everyday life. I’ve done a lot of juicing over the years and I normally think of juicing in its supplemental form, such as drinking juice for part of the day and eating solid food during other parts of the day. This type of approach is best covered in the section ‘The Power of Juicing’.

For now, I want to dive in a little deeper on the implications of deciding to drink only juice and eat no solid foods for an extended period of time. I have done this once, when I completed a five-day juice fast. I experienced some really amazing results from that and I would highly recommend to anybody to give this a try.

To summarize the impression that I got from the juice cleanse, it was a sort of energetic, lightly, tingly sort of experience. I felt my bowels sort of empty out, and the energy flowing throughout the body became very strong and distinct. I also noticed that my mind became freed up and started to focus on other things, where normally I would be preoccupied with my next meal and food and so forth. Also, at the time, I was struggling with sort of an addiction or back and forth I was going through with salty foods, and the juice cleanse really straightened me out in that regard.

By the end of it, I felt that I had done a reset on my gastrointestinal tract, as well as renewed my own attitude and disposition mentally, by clearing my focus. Also, by the end of the five days, I had kicked my salt habit and I was back on the straight and narrow in terms of elevating my levels of discipline and eating the foods that I wanted to be eating.

There are a number of potential benefits you could get from doing a juice cleanse, namely:
— Quick results to increasing your levels of health and wellness if you need a quick boost
— For those who are really motivated and want to kick up the speed on solving your health problems, this is a quick and (relatively) easy tool you can use to throw fuel on the fire
— Especially for those with intestinal challenges, giving your GI tract a break from solid foods can allow the energy of your body to re-dedicate itself to cleaning, repair and regeneration of the gut and other areas
— You can experience some similar benefits you get from water fasting, which is touted by many wellness individual as well as spiritual leaders (and is covered more in the segment ‘Water Fasting’), while still filling your body with nutrition, electrical energy, and probiotics which you will get from the juices