Water Fasting

Water fasting can be one of the highest and most intense forms of transformation to the body, putting it through a crucible in which the body can transmutate, alter chemistry, consume and purge the weak cells, and regenerate tissue.

Be warned though — water fasting is also very powerful and is probably not meant for beginners. Both on a mental level, as well as physically, it can be very challenging and will put you through the gauntlet of what you think you’re able to handle.

While many methods talked about in Rapid Regeneration depend on technology, global supply chains, and new discoveries, like juicing, certain herbal supplements and some cleansing ingredients, water fasting goes back thousands of years and has been practiced by some of the top healers and spiritual people on the planet.

In fact through the course of fasting, the body does end up consuming itself. Much toxins and acids are stored in fatty deposits throughout the body, including in the arms, buttocks, hips and belly area. These fatty stores get transformed into glucose and burned for energy when fasting. Abstaining from food is really an experience where your body recycles its own energy, and consumes itself — this is really a trip of an experience.

This is one reason why fasting could be unwise to do for somebody who is in a highly toxic or acidic condition. Because in that sense, the body can’t really recycle the materials within it and still burn ‘clean’ fuel. When there are so many toxins, free radicals, oxidation, and damaged cells, you will feel the weight of the body trying to process all of these things out at the same time and still get its energy from somewhere — this could be considered as burning ‘dirty’ fuel. Personally, I waited until I had been eating clean and healthfully for a while and had mostly transitioned already to a healthy and vibrant intake of foods, before I undertook the fast.

There are numerous benefits to fasting which have been documented more thoroughly by other individuals The benefits which have been observed in people who are undergoing fasting would include metabolic function enhancement, fat burning, increased levels of hormone production, improved organ function, and even growth hormones being generated after three days of no food (something typically only observed in growing children and teenagers).

Nature leads us in the direction of fasting, and it is an intuitive and instinctive solution to the perils of modern living. Even animals will fast when they are sick, as an instinctive measure. So too oftentimes will an ill human feel like abstaining from foods. This loss of appetite and craving for food is actually a gift from God. However, to our own demise, we ignore this when we turn to chicken soup, ‘get-well-soon’ muffins, hospital meals, and other comfort foods which actually work to make us sicker. The keys to wellness and vitality are there waiting for those individuals who can see through the facades of certain social conventions and discern the truth.