Understanding Body Chemistry — Alkaline vs. Acidic

Much of the nature of getting healthy and well is related to making sure that the body’s chemistry is regulated properly. A healthy individual with a high degree of well-being is very likely to have a body chemistry that is either close to neutral or favoring the side of alkaline chemistry.

On the other hand, an individual who is plagued with health problems, no matter which area of the body, is highly likely to have acidic chemistry ravaging throughout the body, or perhaps much acidity within a specific area of the body.

If you observe the chemistry of Planet Earth, you will notice that this is an alkaline-dominant planet. This is the type of chemistry that allows for new life to grow, including plant and animal life. If you observe other planets such as those in our solar system that are dominated by acid chemistry, you will also notice that they are completely devoid of life.

Acid chemistry is destructive and breaks down and disintegrates matter. Alkaline chemistry allows for the growth, sustenance, and development of matter. You can also see healing and regeneration take place under alkaline conditions.

Chemistry can be measured on a PH scale, from 0 to 14. 7 is completely neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, and the further it goes down, the more acidic it is. Anything above 7 is alkaline, and the higher the measurement, the more alkaline it is.

The human body is naturally alkaline-dominant. Look at the blood for example, where the blood PH is slightly above 7 PH, meaning it is slightly alkaline. Much of the concept about chemistry in the body and in achieving good health is just common sense. Think about what would happen if the blood became acidic. It would essentially disintegrate the capillaries which are containing it within a matter of minutes. The blood must remain alkaline in order for the entire cardiovascular system to function.

The body has its own natural defense mechanisms to protect itself against acids and overly acidic conditions. For example, you can observe cholesterol plaque building up in certain areas as a buffer to protect against acids. You can also see swelling and water retention as a way to dilute the chemistry of an area and make it less acidic.

Also, you can observe the production of mucus and mucosa, which acts as a slime wall to shield tissue against acids which are absolutely destructive and will burn through tissue if undeterred. People often have mucus buildup throughout the body, not just in their head and throat, but also their chest cavity, lungs, and especially mucosa that builds up throughout their intestinal tract, acting as a protective buffer upon the bowel wall.

Also, you can sometimes observe actual lumps or balls that are built up in certain areas of the body, which encapsulate specific concentrated areas which are extremely acidic — this essentially shields the rest of the body from the acids which are contained within them. These blobs can grow quite large and in most cases the outside is made of a lipid, protective material, while what is contained inside is an extremely acidic slurry.

Oftentimes these reactive symptoms of the body are viewed as causative and the main focus, when in fact they are just defense mechanisms of the body to a chemical threat that is overly acidic. By building an awareness of the underlying body chemistry, and employing alkalizing techniques, the body can naturally reverse the processes, including buildup of cholesterol plaque, water retention, and mucus production. Even creation of large lumps are known to get smaller and eventually disappear when the body’s PH returns to a more alkaline state.

Changing the body’s chemistry is not necessarily easy, but it is simple. The body’s compass is always set to return itself to a state of alkalinity via its own self-healing process, if you can get out of its way and stop putting acids into it.