Raw and/or Healthy-ish Foods to Cheat With

Trust me — you are undoubtedly going to run up on a time (or many times) when your willpower breaks down and you lack the discipline to continue eating the healthiest of foods. While much of this knowledge is mechanical, tactical, and anatomical, the journey of fixing your problems using raw foods is actually probably 80% mental, emotional, and in need of your innate spirit and energy to make this work.

Emotionally speaking, you can get ratted out and will reach a point where you just want to eat some comfort foods, forget about all the problems you are trying to solve, and escape things for a while. This process can involve seeking out or preparing a big, comforting meal of foods which are so satiating on a different level than you would get from eating a bunch of healthy foods. Pay attention to your emotions when this happens and notice how they are driving your actions in this situation rather than your intuition or your logic.

When you come up on this scenario, if you can help it, the right thing to do is power through and deny that craving the ability to take over your life — once you give it control, not only will it dominate the next hour or two as you consume the meal, but it will take several hours to digest, a couple of days to completely eliminate, and potentially several days, weeks, or longer for your body to totally reverse the negative acidic chemistry that is created eating junk foods. So, it’s rarely worth it for the short time of pleasure you get from those comfort foods — deny the craving its power if you can!

However, sometimes the risk that you run is that when you suppress these cravings, over and over, it might not make the monster go away. The monster can become more and more entitled and the cravings can become that much more overwhelming. If you repress this sensation too many times, and just continue eating the healthiest of foods, then what can happen is that the craving becomes so intense and now when you give in, you completely go crazy in an extreme manner and eat something completely offensive or excessive — much more so than if you had given in a few days prior and just gone ahead and eaten some comfort meal which was more reasonable.

Here is a list of some products which can actually satisfy that same craving that you have for the worst junk foods, but without sending you on a downward spiral and creating even worse cravings for you several days later. Most of the products for the foods referenced here can be found at:

Avocado and Guacamole:
Coconut Meat, Coconut Oil, Dried Coconut and Coconut Chips
Nuts and Seeds / Nut and Seed Butters / Nut Milks
Salsa / Pico de Gallo
Pickles / Pickled Vegetables
Chips and Crackers
Wraps and Tortillas
Hummus, Dips and Dressings
Steamed Vegetables
Freeze-Dried Peas
Nut Cheeses
Vegan Ice Cream
Raw Pastries

Foods to Not Cheat With
Pizza (a vegan pizza with nut cheese and cauliflower crust could be an exception to this as opposed to a grain flour crust which is quite harmful — there are even raw pizzas)
French fries and fried foods
Soy products and soy ‘fake meat’ (if you’re going to eat a veggie burger or fake meat product, be careful and maybe consider eating something else from the menu instead — because it can be very tough to find a product that doesn’t contain grains, beans, or harmful chemicals and preservatives)
Breads of all kinds, tortillas, pasta, rice, potatoes
Chips or crackers made from grains, potatoes or corn (although I understand you have to transition sometimes and I personally used to eat a lot of corn chips)
Cookies, pastries, cakes
Soft drinks

I hope this guide will help you get there in the fastest and most effective way possible.