Beware these Body Pollutants that Destroy Health

I will document here some of the main sources of body pollutants:

Chemicals in the food and in beverages are a big one. Start reading the labels of what you are eating and drinking and you will be shocked. Then, start looking up what these ingredients actually are in substance and you might fall off your chair.

The ubiquity of chemicals in the food and drinks has matched the dramatic increase in health problems over the course of the 20th century and beyond. Just see how you feel after one week of not consuming any foods or beverage containing chemicals (although you may experience withdrawal because many of these chemicals are addictive). To avoid these chemicals you would basically need to eat organic foods to be safe, because if food is raised non-organic then the use of chemicals and chemical pesticides is almost certain.

Other areas of pollutants would be items that you breathe or put in or on your skin or hair. Things like skincare products and shampoos can get soaked into the skin easily. Also things like detergents, soaps, hand sanitizers, household cleaners and so forth can easily be breathed in and are typically full of harmful chemicals. When you breathe in toxic chemicals, they go straight into the bloodstream which in many cases constitutes a neurotoxic event.

Also keep in mind other types of radiation like microwaves, appliances, computers, and things like WiFi, BlueTooth, and cellular radiation. These levels of radiation are very real and measurable, and are an unnatural stimulus that in my view affects the natural functioning and harmony of the human body. However, I do of course understand that there is a trade-off and using a cell phone for example may have more than enough benefits to outweigh the radiation it uses to communicate.

Also important to consider avoiding would be pollutants in terms of food. Food, while ultimately presented as delicious and elegant on the plate, doesn’t resemble food after our body breaks it down. It either becomes useful fuel, or it becomes stagnant, stodgy waste, to put it simply. It all eventually becomes waste, healthy or not, once the nutrients if any have been extracted. But some high processed and/or acidic foods are turned into a substance of waste that is very irritating, extremely toxic, suppressive towards bodily functions, and/or difficult for the body to get rid of.

When this occurs, it can overload the kidneys, cause stagnation in the lymphatic system, throw off the sodium/potassium ratio in the body, cause calcium loss as well if the body becomes overly acidic, fill up the liver with toxic, unprocessed sludge, and line the intestines with a hardened mixture of mucus and food wastes. All of this invites parasites and harmful organisms to then set up shop inside of the body.

Foods that can contribute to this affect in the body include all acid-forming foods, especially:
— GMO and chemical-laded foods
— Processed foods like white flour and other food products
— Dairy
— Fried foods & especially oily, greasy foods
— Breads, grains, and starches which turn into a hardest paste like a glue, as well as beans and lentils
— Meats, especially conventional, non-organic meat product, which unfortunately ferment inside of the intestines and cause the body to produce excess uric acid

These foods are the hardest thing for an individual to give up, compared with the other categories of body pollutants. It’s not like somebody needs to give all this up cold-turkey, but it might be a good idea to transition into the direction of no longer overloading your body with items that cause it to become toxic, overly acidic, and polluted — if somebody is interested in allowing the body to heal itself and achieve optimal wellness.