Dealing with Caffeine, Alcohol, Marijuana and Other Stimulants

This is a very challenging world to go through stone-cold sober. It’s actually challenging enough even if you do have something to take the edge off on a regular or occasional basis.

Even though this may seem sort of outside the scope of Rapid Regeneration I only bring up this topic because the use of mood-altering substances is so common. Either you are personally dealing with this, or you have others in your peer group (friends and/or family) who are to varying degrees. You will need to make a judgment call at some point about your relationship with these various items.

I am not addressing more synthetic, man-made chemical drugs because those are obviously an issue which would be called for avoiding — these pretty clearly create some level of synthetic, toxic chemistry in the individual who consumes them.

The three most common ingredients mentioned here are substances which are more tempting because they are natural after all (although there are some other natural mind-altering substances aside from these three). Alcohol can be made organically and from good ingredients like grapes, marijuana flowers grow out of the ground raw, and roasted coffee beans and/or caffeinated teas seem natural enough.

I am not making any kind of judgement about your lifestyle and how you choose to live it. I simply wish to bring a level of awareness regarding the chemistry of these substances and how your body reacts, so that you are aware of this should you choose to consume these substances. Trust me — if there were a way to get drunk, stoned, or buzzed without harming and acidifying my body, I would absolutely be doing it right now.

While it is possible to have a relatively healthy existence while consuming these substances, it is possible that these things can also hold you back and cause you to plateau in your journey of self-improvement, preventing you from breaking through and ascending the next level of being all you can be and reaching your potential. These activities could also over the long run shorten your lifespan, threaten your natural life force energy, or even lead ultimately to developing health issues.

If you choose not to consume these common types of substances, surely you’ll be surrounded by people who do. It can get a bit lonely, but you’ll feel comforted by the high of your regular healthy lifestyle, and ideally won’t feel the need to lift yourself with a temporary, fleeting, acid-forming high with side effects of neurotoxicity, acid chemistry in the body, and overstimulation and subsequent enervation of the nervous system.

Stay strong, and ask God for help to get you through any lonely times when you feel tempted. Ultimately, I hope that the natural high from building a truly strong and resilient life for yourself will give you a long-lasting satisfaction that will make it easy to not indulge in these things, as has been my experience.

Good luck, and cheers!