I have been absolutely amazed by the power of raw foods, fruit especially, as well as herbs and other natural applications in their ability to launch the body on a trajectory of getting itself healthy and well. There are many cases, and countless anecdotal reports about people recovering from the most horrific health problems, including spinal injuries and basically everything under the sun.
So can everybody really turn things around for themselves using these methods and get back to good health? The short answer is: I don’t really know. The longer answer is: It appears to me that most likely not.
I approach knowledge from a humble and logical foundation, admitting what I don’t know, in order to build a foundation to understand the most likely cases and probabilities of different scenarios. This was developed in my professional background as an investigative writer as well.
Ultimately, I don’t know for sure whether or not the most advanced cases of individuals who are physically suffering can really turn themselves around completely. On the one hand, you have individuals who are quite aged in terms of years who have given their body many decades of abuse in terms of food, alcohol, smoking and drugs. Then you also must consider there are individuals who enter this planet as a baby in a state of terrible degeneration, in some cases missing organs, or with nervous system damage, or many other dysfunctions.
Then there is also the tangential issue of individuals who simply aren’t all that open-minded about going through the personal transformation of reversing their well-being and getting well. They would prefer to continue their momentum in the direction they are going and finish their trip declining towards ill health and ultimate demise. If the will of an individual is not in the game, then I am not going to bet on them to regain control of their physical well-being, as much as that may sound harsh.
These are the cases that make me doubtful whether the natural wellness techniques, and related helpful methods as covered throughout this material, can really help to save everybody.
One other example that comes to mind are individuals who are from a very early age showing signs of very serious damage or toxicity to their brain or nervous system, causing the system to operate extremely slowly and dysfunctionally. When the brain doesn’t develop at a regular rate for the first five or ten years, even if all of the brain tissues, nervous system tissues, kidneys and adrenal glands, white and grey matter, and everything else could fully detoxify and regenerate, this person would have still missed out on crucial developmental processes that would have otherwise uploaded programming to a fully functioning brain, but in this case did not. So you would have somebody who was in a state of arrested development, even if they could clean out their cells and get them to properly function at a later age.
I don’t consider myself a naive person. So I just wanted to put that out there and I hope people don’t think all I see when I look at the world is fairy dust and daisies. I am aware that some of these degenerative cases are absolutely shocking, especially when babies are born with certain problems and are behind the eight-ball such a great distance already from Day One.
There are higher-level questions that will not really be answered within the scope of this segment at least, relating to the grander scheme of how the world works, fairness, and why somebody would be born with such a disadvantage.
Can everybody still improve their overall wellness using improvements to their diet and other natural methods? I think absolutely yes. But who specifically can have the opportunity to save themselves from their problems and be allowed to start over with a fresh clean slate and feel as good as they would like? I would say just most people, especially people who were not born with super advanced issues but rather developed health problems over their lifetimes. I’m unfortunately not confident that some of these other severe cases, including babies born into serious advanced problems, can turn it around 100% completely.
This is especially a complicated issue because we now have genetic weaknesses among humans unlike anything we have ever seen in history. The cases where people are born with mental disabilities have skyrocketed in the past few decades. It is a peculiar phenomenon and certainly tragic.
But, the message I want to focus on is about that the vast majority of people suffering health problems with the motivation to change. These people are simply in a temporal state of suffering, having been overwhelmed with negative acidic chemistry, shackled down by the negative affects of environmental exposure to over-toxicity and what they have been eating, and as a result are now lacking proper cellular function. These types of things have been shown to be reversible, at least anecdotally, with the tens of thousands of people — estimating conservatively in modern times — who have completely solved these problems for themselves using the same method and natural wellness techniques which are covered throughout Rapid Regeneration.
If you sense that you have free will to choose for yourself whether to really go after improving your health, or not — then congratulations! I believe you are likely in this eligible group of people to get yourself out of the Hell that you have (consciously or unconsciously) created due to things you have consumed and your environmental conditions that have affected your body to this point.
If you still have a fighting chance, take a moment to be grateful and celebrate the opportunity you have to transform yourself. Now go on and get after it!