
Inversion Table — Relieve Your Spine

We live in a world of constant pressure, which is both a blessing and a curse. After all, gravity helps to give us our bone density and muscular strength, while at the same time causing our bodies to droop and drift and sag towards the center of the Earth.Just as it is important to sometimes stress and exert our physical unit, so too must we find ways to relax and allow it to rest and recover. Using inversion techniques is

The Deer Method / Taoism / Ancient Chinese Wisdom

I have been blessed over the years to discover and discern many sets of knowledge and wisdom that exist. Always, my mission has been to ascertain the truth of things, so that I could fully heal and elevate myself. Since committing myself to helping you within the scope of Rapid Regeneration, my sense of responsibility is even greater to find and distill the best information so that I can be that much more effective in helping you.Sometimes I come across

Red Light Therapy / PMB / PhotoBioModulation for Balance and Skin

In the last decade or two, much progress has been made by means of developing sources for beneficial wavelengths of light which penetrate the layers of skin and wash the cells in certain natural vibrations. Nowadays, human beings reside indoors, in homes, offices, under shaded structures and without the wash of constant natural light. We have gotten away from nature, and now we are sadly paying a price for that.Red light therapy AKA photobiomodulation AKA ‘PBM’ is technology which has

EWOT / Exercise with Oxygen Therapy to Oxygenate Your Cells

I would be remiss not to mention a groundbreaking and yet controversial form of increasing levels of oxygen to the body. So many physical issues with the body start off in an oxygen-deprived state inside the body, and so it only makes natural sense that individuals have been investigating ways to increase oxygen levels inside the body for a very long time now.Much of this approach is quite intuitive, just as doing breath work will increase levels of oxygen into

PEMF / Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency to Alkalize the Body

We live today in a world that bombards us with unnatural chemistry, frequencies and what some might call electronic pollution. Furthermore, we are living far removed from mother nature and harmony with the natural elements, such as touching bare feet to the bare earth, where otherwise we would experience a magnetic alkalizing benefit via the free exchange of electron flow from the ground. This causes us to build up an acidic charge and can cause many imbalances and issues within

Massage, Chiropractors, Acupuncture and Energy Work

This program is about more than what you put into your mouth, swallow, and process through your digestive system, lymphatic system, and bloodstream. There is so much more out there which can help you to transform yourself dramatically and rapidly.For thousands of years, human civilization has been trying to figure out ways to stimulate, enhance, and repair the body’s natural flow of energy, through the skeletal structure, connective tissue, skin, and nervous system. The energy of the body actually travels

Iridology — Window into Your Health

It’s amazing how God, the universe, creation, nature, or whatever you wish to call it provides us with the tools to fix our problems and transform ourselves. There are so many invasive, harmful or toxic procedures which damage the body just to try and find out what is the state of the body. Sometimes, the damage caused by the investigative technique is more harm than it’s worth. It doesn’t always have to be that way.The eyes have been referred to

Meditation — Tapping the Raw Power Within

As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements,

Yoga and Stretching for Youthful Energy

Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed.I know you know that