
Cooked vs. Raw Foods

Over the years I have come to discover for myself the energetic power of raw materials, so to speak — of foods. It is this power that has fueled my recovery, out of my own personal Hell of health issues, back into a life that I greatly enjoy. I now enjoy robust health, amazing levels of energy, and this is the inspiration behind me putting together all of this information in one place to help you solve your own problems

Why Fruit is the Best Food for Detox & Regeneration

Now we have addressed the strategy of getting yourself healthy and well in the most expedient way. Food is a great tool which can transform your health, but it’s hard to control discipline and cravings at first, and also if the body is not cleaned out, it won’t properly absorb the benefits of good food. So, I started out presenting this information going through the supplementing and cleansing route because I want to give you something that you can do

Additional Cleansing and Other Supplements to Consider

At this point, if you have followed along with the information contained within the Rapid Regeneration program, you have now completed total body cleansing. This is truly amazing and revolutionary and after I had completed the first four cleanses I really did feel completely different and better and had such an empowering sense of momentum. I felt renewed confidence that I could actually solve my health problems, and frankly my faith in humanity and in nature was restored, by the

Harmful Chemical & Heavy Metal Detox – Kidney & Lymphatic Cleansing

If you have completed intestinal cleansing, liver cleansing, and parasite cleansing, then I want to give you a big congratulations. You are putting yourself in a great position to win with your health and putting yourself on the side of the angels. Even though it’s really not that difficult, very few people commit the time and resources which are necessary to clean themselves out and renew their systems in such a dramatic way.Those are the Big Three, no question, in

Parasite & Harmful Organism Cleansing

After the intestines are cleaned out, and the liver and gallbladder are cleaned out, what next? In my view, there is a clear answer to this, because in all likelihood there is a clear and present threat inside your body still remaining.This is a chapter that could truly give you the heebie jeebies. I’m not trying to scare you. But it’s impossible for us to really address the problems and eliminate them without understanding our enemy and how to put

Liver & Gallbladder Cleansing

Here we have arrived at the Big Daddy of cleanses. If you followed the same order which I did in these cleanses, and first complete a colon cleanse, then you may have been rejuvenated by the effectiveness of that regiment. You might feel nice and cleaned out and energized.Well, now it’s time for the next level of transformation. Truly, after I completed my first liver and gallbladder cleanse, I was blown away. I was ten times more affected, in a

Intestinal & Colon Cleansing

This is where it all begins — and ends, incidentally. Can the body become clean and vibrant without a clean, healthy colon? No, I do not believe so. The colon is the last stop on the train route of the body. It is also a particular area of degeneration, especially as people get older and older and many countless people suffer and even perish from issues with their colon.Also known as the large intestine, the colon is where food goes

Multi-Day Supplement Cleanses for Quick Results

If you have followed the templates as described in this program, regarding ‘Where to Start’, etc., then perhaps you might first and foremost dabble with taking some herbal supplements as a way to get started in closing the gap between where you are now and reaching your health goals.This is similar to ‘dipping your toe into the water’. I have experienced good and positive results with just supplementing with certain herbal products and in fact that opened up many doorways

The Role of Supplements

All I can say is ‘Thank God’ for supplements. Without them, I don’t think I would have achieved the kind of results as quickly as I did getting myself healthy and well.Don’t get me wrong — you can achieve a lot simply with the power of whole foods, raw foods, and superfoods. The selection of foods you eat is also the most cost-effective way to transform your health, because the supplements are relatively quite a lot more cost. But supplements

What is Detox and Why it’s So Essential

So now you know where I’m coming from, my qualifications, how I got sick and how I healed myself, and the basic tenets of the Rapid Regeneration program in terms of cleansing out and rebuilding your body as well.Next up, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work, cleaning out the body and clearing it of toxins, acids, and harmful chemicals. This should be relatively easy for you to get into, if you follow the sequence of