
The Role of Exercise in a Healthy Individual

To say that exercise is an important tenet of getting yourself healthy and well is especially redundant. I don’t want to sit here and beat you over the head with basic facts that you already learned from your 5th grade gym teacher. But I would be remiss not to cover this important topic. Getting the body moving is essential on so many levels.The reality is, we are all meant to be natural athletes. Mother Nature designed human beings to do

The Importance of Ideal Weight Management I know that I risk sounding redundant here. After all, maintaining a healthy weight is just common horse sense. And yet, I see individuals in the natural health space who are trying to use these methods to get themselves healthy, and employing many effective techniques, but are 20 or 30 or 40 pounds or more overweight — this person then wonders why they are not making progress in solving their health problems or achieving their health goals.The body is an

Getting the Most Out of Your Sleep

So many of the benefits you will get from the transformation of yourself will occur when you are fast asleep. Pro athletes will tell you that, as much as they work during the daytime, the actual rest, recovery, and building of new muscle occurs at nighttime while they are unconscious.As you go through this process of detoxification and regeneration, rest is such an important factor. However, with the world we live in and the constant pressure, I realize that many

Water — How to Consume Nature’s Life Elixir

It’s naturally very important to figure out our relationship with this element which is something all plants and animals need to survive. Especially in our modern society, there are many types of water, including products and practices which should be avoided because otherwise they can cause detriment to your health and well-being. There are also amazing special types of water as well.It is amazing to consider that such an incredible substance — which can help to detoxify and clean out

Tips and Tricks / Shortcuts / BioHacks / Natural Health and Wellness Techniques

The world of natural health and wellness is massive and expansive and holds the keys to unlocking the fountain of youth and the secrets of the ages and so much more — and that’s without me overselling it. But it’s not just about food.The truth is that food is only perhaps one half of the equation to full and complete healing, regeneration, and thriving for extended performance. But it is the bottom, supportive half — without the foundation of good

What Does a Typical Day of Eating Look Like?

Now let’s get into the nitty gritty. A lot of people understand concepts and so forth but do much better with concrete examples. It really varies from person to person and from situation to situation, but I will provide some scenarios.The point of Rapid Regeneration is not to teach you what to think — it’s to help you understand how to think. I don’t think it is effective for me to tell you, ‘On Day One eat this, and on

Dealing with Caffeine, Alcohol, Marijuana and Other Stimulants

This is a very challenging world to go through stone-cold sober. It’s actually challenging enough even if you do have something to take the edge off on a regular or occasional basis.Even though this may seem sort of outside the scope of Rapid Regeneration I only bring up this topic because the use of mood-altering substances is so common. Either you are personally dealing with this, or you have others in your peer group (friends and/or family) who are to

How to Function with Other People while Detoxing and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

One of the trickiest parts about transitioning to a more healthful lifestyle is maintaining relationships with others, participating in customary social rituals like meals and parties, while still keeping the balance of eating healthy. Indeed, this can be challenging in terms of keeping up the momentum and keeping things going in terms of your own level of deep cleaning and detox in order to solve your health problems or achieve your health goals.I will explain using an example. For me

How to Go Through Detox While Holding Down a Regular Job

One of the things that may hold people back, or keep them from making progress in terms of solving their health problems and achieving optimum health is the fact that everybody has to make a living on this planet. This is indeed a toughie. It seems that before we get the chance to work on ourselves, we have to pay the piper first. In order to maintain an economic system of exchange, most of us have to put in the

Discerning Outside Threats, Bacteria, Germs and The Immune System

This is a contentious topic, and one where I think you will find there are extreme opinions on both side. On the one hand, you will find people who want you to go through life like a ‘Bubble Boy’, pumping gas while wearing latex gloves, sanitizing hands after each handshake, and living in a sterile environment devoid of any life. On the other end of the spectrum are individuals who would say bring on maximum outside organisms and the more