Food & Nutrition

The Role of Vegetables in a Healthy Diet

We’ve looked at the role of fats, and we will look at the role of nuts and seeds. We have certainly looked at the important central role of fresh, ripe fruits. What about the role of vegetables?“Eat your vegetables,” your mother would always say to you — remember that? “No dessert until you clear your plate.” Vegetables have been touted as the healthiest foods out there and have earned that spot in popular culture, as well as among mainstream diet

Beans, Grains & Starches — Healthy Vegan Foods or No?

This is going to be the chapter that everybody faults me for and I’ll surely be skewered from all sides. People may resent how puritanical and/or radical this sounds, but I can’t just leave this one alone. It’s far too important and my job is to give you the tools to be successful and truly eliminate your health problems. If you’re eating foods that cause toxicity and acidic conditions within the body, then you’re going to be sabotaging your own

Essential Knowledge for Proper Food Combining

Food combining is one of those critical areas that can be the key difference-maker in an individual either achieving optimal, robust health, or somebody falling way short of that and continuing to sabotage their health, and not knowing why.Somebody could really clean up their consumption of food and eat very healthily, or even make a full transition into raw foods — due to the desire to solve their health problems or achieve ideal levels of energy — but still unknowingly

Does it Cause Shortages or Imbalances by Eating Raw Foods, Whole Foods, Vegan or Plant Based?

When you start to eat healthier and after you go through a transition phase and really start to get into a lifestyle of healthy food consumption, people might get worried and express genuine concern for your well-being. They might say things like, “Do you get enough protein?” Or, “Aren’t you eating too much sugar?” Or, “Are you eating enough variety?” These are issues which are addressed in other segments in more detail, and these types of things that people tend

Is Eating a Lot of Fruit Too Much Sugar?

It’s important to address some of the commonly held beliefs about certain perceived problems or deficiencies with eating lots of fruit that are held by the general public and of course proliferated by those in mainstream science and media. One concern that is brought up frequently is the phobia of sugar and all things sugar-related. This is an iron law it seems in the culture of: Sugar is Evil.If you recall from the chapter entitled ‘Simple Sugars vs. Complex Sugars:

The Role of Fats in a Healthy Lifestyle

We have explored in other segments about the different qualities of the various macro-nutrients that exist in the food world — carbs, proteins and fats.As you embrace the power of raw foods, fruits and superfoods in their ability to clean, detoxify, energize and regenerate, you may come to realize that the intake of carbohydrates especially in the form of simple sugars and fructose from fruits is perhaps the most ideal source of sustenance and energy.But this seems contrary to how

Where Do You Get Your Protein and How to Get Enough Protein?

It seems that whenever I am talking with somebody who is used to eating a regular-type diet, and I start talking about the power of raw, living, electrical foods, within seconds the most common question they will ask is: “Where do you get your protein?”In America, and it seems worldwide, we have a fixation with protein — it’s become a magical entity. A few theories that come to mind of exactly why it’s gained this status are:— It’s delicious and

Simple Sugars vs. Complex Sugars — Know this Critical Difference

Early on in the process of gaining an understanding of how the food world works, it is important to understand the nature of sugar, and especially to understand the critical difference between simple and complex sugars — without exaggeration, this information could save your life.Truly, sugar is the modern day Bogeyman, being blamed for all kinds of lethal health maladies, the world’s weight problem, and all sorts of deficiencies in the modern day standard of wellness. In part, this is

Eating Strategically — Carbs vs. Fats. vs. Proteins

I understand that some of this information may feel a little bit tedious, as if you are back in the classroom in grade-school, bored and thinking about boys/girls and how long it will be until the bell rings ending class.Please do understand that some of this information upcoming is crucial to your success, like figuring out if you will be at risk of deficiency of a certain food compound, as well as understanding the effect that different food combinations have

How the Body Digests & Processes Different Foods

In the scope of the information that I will cover here with Rapid Regeneration, to figure out how to get yourself healthy and well, is:— What are the optimal foods to eat?— When and how to eat the different food types and different macro-nutrients (carbs, fats, proteins, etc.)?— How does the body respond to different foods or how it is affected by different foods?— Why and how are certain foods beneficial to the body encouraging cleansing and regeneration?— Why and