Food & Nutrition

Which Foods are Humans Supposed to Eat?

One of the big questions surrounding the topic of diet is — what are humans supposed to naturally eat?Questions of anthropology always have a bit of mystery to them. Without a time machine, it’s hard to know conclusively what happened at the origins of humankind. All we can do is look at the evidence we do have. Perhaps our observations will not be conclusive or will be nuanced with a bit of grey area, without it being so black and

Probiotics to Assist Alkaline Body Chemistry

Probiotics have become quite trendy in recent times, which is also true for the microbiome and the body’s internal landscape. More attention has been paid as of late, even by the mainstream scientific community, to the terrain inside of the body and keeping it in good healthy condition in order to have good chemical balance and even good immune function. I’m not sure what took so long!Probiotics are a natural assistant to the lymphatic system and kidneys, because these beneficial

An Essential Green Powder Supplement for Vitamins and Minerals

Although this is a quick look at just one accessory, it is one of the most critical things I have picked up on in my lifetime. My intention is for the program of Rapid Regeneration to be like a goldmine, where all throughout the orifice of the mountain you have little nuggets of gold that stick out, which you can carve out and mine for yourself. That is what my journey has been like as a Truth Seeker, gathering glimmering

The Power of Juicing

When I was going through my worst version of Hell, I was about 24 or 25 years old, and I had accidentally poisoned myself a few years back, resulting in chronic over-toxicity of the nervous system and body. I felt as though I had been brain damaged and I was unable to function properly. I had no energy, and my personality seemed a shadow of my former self. I was working two jobs that I hated (probably because I was

Is Eating Healthy and Supplementing Expensive?

One of the big concerns about getting healthier, eating a more vibrant selection of foods, and investing in your own physical transformation is the cost involved. Everybody knows that organic, high-quality ingredients cost more than their conventional counterparts, and people are worried that they will be priced out of this lifestyle, and that this is something that is reserved for an elite upper class, while the peasants eat bread and gruel, like in the olden days.I would like to address

How to Maintain Balance

Throughout this journey of detoxification and regeneration, maintaining balance through your own unique struggles, tribulations, and as you overcome your obstacles is a constant necessity. Losing balance runs the risk of faltering and potentially crashing and burning, setting yourself back and causing you to reach your destination much more slowly.How often will you have to focus on maintaining balance you might wonder? Well, how often does a tightrope walker concentrate on maintaining balance? The reality is that it is a

Eating Healthy is Not For Everyone and Here’s Why

A lot of people sort of recoil with distaste at the concept of eating very healthfully, especially with regard to eating lots of raw foods. They look at somebody who does that as some kind of natural freak, almost like a space alien, and they think of eating this way as a sort of aberration of what life is supposed to be all about.You can see how this would be important to address, on multiple levels. You might be having

Is a Healthy Lifestyle Like Being on a Permanent Diet?

You may be wondering about this radical-sounding way of eating and thinking that it is more like a lifestyle and less like a diet. In fact, my experience is that this is the case. Being into healthy eating, raw electrical foods, feeling good all the time and being highly energized is definitely a lifestyle. Each indulgence to eat cooked comfort foods comes with a crash from the buzz of being on a high-raw intake of foods, much like a druggie

How to Transition to Eating Healthier Foods

Wanting to do something and actually doing it are miles apart, and that gap represents the difference between failure and success. Indeed, most people want to be healthier, exist at an ideal weight, carry a certain degree of athleticism, and maintain high levels of energy and vitality. But most people live in a perpetual state of, “I’ll do that later. Someday, I’ll start that workout program and clean up how I’m eating and stop with the late-night snacks and all

Breaking Out of the Food Matrix

I don’t want to sound too freaky, but once you get yourself healthy and well, and break your addiction to junk foods, you might look around and see a bunch of junk-food-addicted food zombies walking around, just waiting until they can get their next fix, overweight, and eating themselves into an early grave.As your awareness levels go up, this planet starts to resemble more and more a place where a lot of souls are essentially taken over by their desires