
My Experience at 2024 Woodstock Fruit Festival H’OM, Homestead, FL— Worth It?

In January 2024, I had the pleasure of attending Woodstock Fruit Festival in Homestead, Florida. This was the first time I traveled to this festival which previously had been held yearly in upstate New York since 2011, and is the largest raw vegan event in the world. What does that mean and what is a fruit festival / raw vegan event? It means that for one week, it’s a non-stop party, with natural healing and wellness activities, amazing scenery, beautiful people

Going to the Next Level

How to best complement this saga of information about the power of body cleansing, supplements, superfoods, natural health techniques and other revolutionary knowledge? I think the best view to impart is the one where you get to the top of a mountain, looking out over the crest of a majestic valley, with all the riches of nature beyond, and the limitless sky stretching out into the horizon — in other words, the next level. Rapid Regeneration is about elevating yourself from

Health and Spirituality

Getting into a healthy lifestyle and switching over more of your fuel source to more raw, electrical, living foods has a way of turning on your spiritual awareness. I will testify to this from personal experience, although this is well-documented throughout history. It is true that many practices, including religious, meditative, enlightenment-seeking, and various secret societies, have practiced fasting and/or consumption of simple raw foods as a way to facilitate stronger and more powerful connection with the widespread intelligence that

Emotions, Detox & Regeneration

As you go through this journey of recreating and rebuilding your health, all sorts of things will happen to your ‘other’ bodies besides your physical body, including but not limited to your emotional body, your spiritual body, your causal body, your mental body, and more. It is a complete journey and won’t be limited just to changes in flesh, blood and bone. It is mystical, powerful, and wonderful ultimately as a beautiful experience. As you experience physical detox, and you get

Alexander Technique — Unlock Effortless Body Alignment and Posture Naturally

There are so many schools of thought and techniques for how to do things — how to move around, how to exercise, how to stretch, how to breathe, how to dance, how to make love, and so on and so forth. And yet, we go through life and in most cases nobody ever teaches us how to just be. In other words, how to do nothing at all — how to just exist. But in fact, much of the time we

Grow Your Own Garden

Back in 2017, I was in bad shape personally and financially. I had come a long way in terms of detoxing myself, transitioning to eating more healthily, and I had stopped taking Adderall for my prior symptoms of brain fog, cognitive impairment and exhaustion. I was feeling the power of cleaning the body out, regenerating my nervous system and the body’s own self-healing process. However, I was still recovering from being disrupted in my career and personal life which were a

Meditation — Tapping the Raw Power Within

As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements,

Yoga and Stretching for Youthful Energy

Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed. I know you know that

Oxygenate Your Cells / Deep Breathing / Breath Work / Wim Hof

When it was first recommended to me that I try breath work, it just seemed too simple to me. I was resistant at first, thinking that surely this couldn’t provide that much dramatic benefit. What I discovered is that these simple, free techniques provide some of the most dramatic support to the body out of anything that can be done, including supplements, foods, and even expensive therapies. We think so often about food, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants,

The Power of Grounding / Earthing

VIDEO When I discovered the power of grounding, it was revolutionary in my own journey of healing and elevation. I crossed paths with this information at exactly the right time. When this happened, in early 2022, I was clean and healthy and my main health problems had been long solved, but I was feeling at the end of my rope. I was feeling ragged, like I had run up against a a wall. Something was wrong, and I couldn’t figure out