RapidRegeneration.com/TM(00:00) Introduction(01:22) How Meghan and Dave know each other (02:36) How Meghan Williams (Austin, TX TM Instructor) got into TM (Transcendental Meditation) after experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, alcohol abuse(05:19) Changing from being people-pleasing to being internally regulated as a result of TM (Transcendental Meditation)(06:20) People struggle with saying no to other people and how TM (Transcendental Meditation) helps with that(07:11) How I (Dave Escamilla) have personally changed after TM (kinder, gentler, less resistance, better clarity, more
Interview with my friend and mentor Ronald Raben. Although he wouldn’t admit it, he is filled with absolute sage wisdom from the divine intelligence of the universe. Ron talks about how he was unhappy for the first 45 years of life, and the amazing technique that he discovered which helped him turn it all around.Discussed are the power of affirmations, programming the computer mind, reprogramming the cells in the body, the spiritual intelligence of the universe, and what is the
Over the last 9 years, I’ve done a lot of cleaning out of the intestinal tract. I’ve used herbal formulas, oxygen-based cleaning supplements, prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, minerals, vitamins, enemas, and things like activated charcoal, bentonite clay and psyllium husk. I’ve experimented with a lot of different foods and juicing.(00:03) Introduction – My story of health problems and how I got into cleansing(03:55) Overview of the Zen Cleanz one day gut cleanse(05:29) Mechanism of action – enzymes to break down wastes(06:31)
In January 2024, I had the pleasure of attending Woodstock Fruit Festival in Homestead, Florida. This was the first time I traveled to this festival which previously had been held yearly in upstate New York since 2011, and is the largest raw vegan event in the world.(00:00) Introduction(02:17) The 2024 Woodstock Fruit Festival was different than years before(02:49) What is a fruit festival? WFF is the largest raw vegan festival in the world(03:40) The location was moved from New York
Rapid Regeneration is about elevating yourself from where you are at, whether that is your mindset, your emotional state, your physical body chemistry, your strength and resiliency, your energy levels, your competency of accomplishing things, your ability to dream and imagine, or your spiritual connection to the power of the universe.This elevation game never ends, I am happy to report. You can go from being quite unhealthy and sick, elevating yourself through a process of healing and regeneration via detoxification,
After having solved my major health problems and recovered completely, I’m now far less interested in the physical, chemical world of health and wellness. I am now more focused and obsessed with the spiritual realm. I will say the spiritual quest is much more fun than worrying about trying to physically transform your body and all the struggles and challenges that come with detoxification. But, the spiritual quest is there all along, from the depths of your health struggles, throughout
As you go through this journey of recreating and rebuilding your health, all sorts of things will happen to your ‘other’ bodies besides your physical body, including but not limited to your emotional body, your spiritual body, your causal body, your mental body, and more. It is a complete journey and won’t be limited just to changes in flesh, blood and bone. It is mystical, powerful, and wonderful ultimately as a beautiful experience.As you experience physical detox, and you get
I am by no means an expert on crystals. Even for those who are, there is some level of mystique surrounding these stones, as much of the insights surrounding them come from intuition, ancient wisdom or pure legend. This includes information about which parts of the body the frequencies of certain crystals are attuned to and can help to improve the function of, as well as what qualities and characteristics of your own personhood can be enhanced by tapping into
The Alexander Technique was developed in the late 1800s by a gentlemen who was trying to perform a job and found that he was exerting himself to the point where his voice gave out and he couldn’t even effectively communicate without exhausting himself. Trying to find the root cause of this, Frederick Mathias Alexander discovered that in the act of trying and doing, these intentional efforts were causing the body to tense up and hold a great amount of stress
We live in a world of constant pressure, which is both a blessing and a curse. After all, gravity helps to give us our bone density and muscular strength, while at the same time causing our bodies to droop and drift and sag towards the center of the Earth.Just as it is important to sometimes stress and exert our physical unit, so too must we find ways to relax and allow it to rest and recover. Using inversion techniques is