
Eye Washing

So much of Rapid Regeneration seems to be about washing and cleaning and cleansing and purifying — sometimes, it makes you feel just like an old maid, cleaning and cleaning until the cows come home. I don’t know what to tell you except that detoxification can be a dirty business and sometimes the only way to really get the job done right is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.We take so much care of oral hygiene,

Sinus Rinsing with Neti Pot

Cleaning out your sinuses with a Neti pot is one of the age old techniques that is common knowledge and is an example of traditional therapeutic techniques which have been adapted into mainstream culture and your mother may have even helped you out with this one. I would prefer not to risk redundancy, and yet I feel this one must be mentioned because it is so effective.Water is the universal solvent, and forcing water in by means of gravity and

Ear Candling for Oxygen Flow

I have personally found much benefit from doing candling of the ears. This is one of those things which seems pretty far-out and almost like an old witch’s formula of something you would practice in the backwoods during the Middle Ages. However, my philosophy is to judge a tree by its fruits — if something works, then I give credit where credit is due. It has made me feel lighter and provided a relief of sinus pressure especially in the

The Deer Method / Taoism / Ancient Chinese Wisdom

I have been blessed over the years to discover and discern many sets of knowledge and wisdom that exist. Always, my mission has been to ascertain the truth of things, so that I could fully heal and elevate myself. Since committing myself to helping you within the scope of Rapid Regeneration, my sense of responsibility is even greater to find and distill the best information so that I can be that much more effective in helping you.Sometimes I come across

Grow Your Own Garden

The biggest thing I learned was — it’s easy! Do not be intimidated in this subject area. I learned that certain herbs in particular are among the heartiest plants to grow and will do well even in adverse conditions. So an important takeaway for you is — grow plants which are hearty and tough and can survive even if you forget to nurture them as much as you should. Many people get overwhelmed by and fail with gardening because they

Cleansing Celery Juice Tonic

At some point in the not-so-distant past, celery juice became part of the popular cultural lexicon and went mainstream. More and more people started to drink the juice from celery stalks, and publicizing their results from the experiences, which drew more and more people in along the way to give it a try.There are several notable reasons why the juice from celery, which otherwise is very fibrous and somewhat laborious for the digestive system to digest, is so beneficial to

Red Light Therapy / PMB / PhotoBioModulation for Balance and Skin

In the last decade or two, much progress has been made by means of developing sources for beneficial wavelengths of light which penetrate the layers of skin and wash the cells in certain natural vibrations. Nowadays, human beings reside indoors, in homes, offices, under shaded structures and without the wash of constant natural light. We have gotten away from nature, and now we are sadly paying a price for that.Red light therapy AKA photobiomodulation AKA ‘PBM’ is technology which has

EWOT / Exercise with Oxygen Therapy to Oxygenate Your Cells

I would be remiss not to mention a groundbreaking and yet controversial form of increasing levels of oxygen to the body. So many physical issues with the body start off in an oxygen-deprived state inside the body, and so it only makes natural sense that individuals have been investigating ways to increase oxygen levels inside the body for a very long time now.Much of this approach is quite intuitive, just as doing breath work will increase levels of oxygen into

PEMF / Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency to Alkalize the Body

We live today in a world that bombards us with unnatural chemistry, frequencies and what some might call electronic pollution. Furthermore, we are living far removed from mother nature and harmony with the natural elements, such as touching bare feet to the bare earth, where otherwise we would experience a magnetic alkalizing benefit via the free exchange of electron flow from the ground. This causes us to build up an acidic charge and can cause many imbalances and issues within

Massage, Chiropractors, Acupuncture and Energy Work

For thousands of years, human civilization has been trying to figure out ways to stimulate, enhance, and repair the body’s natural flow of energy, through the skeletal structure, connective tissue, skin, and nervous system. The energy of the body actually travels through the body in a series of spirals, all interconnected in an amazing network and pattern that is like the most beautiful artistic creation.As opposed to eating toxic chemical pills, getting cut open with instruments while unconscious, getting beamed