It’s amazing how God, the universe, creation, nature, or whatever you wish to call it provides us with the tools to fix our problems and transform ourselves. There are so many invasive, harmful or toxic procedures which damage the body just to try and find out what is the state of the body. Sometimes, the damage caused by the investigative technique is more harm than it’s worth. It doesn’t always have to be that way.The eyes have been referred to
As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements,
Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed.I know you know that
We think so often about food, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, and so forth, that we can get to the point where we can overlook one of the most important elements for our bodies — oxygen. To the degree that oxygen is abundantly available and distributed throughout our body’s tissues, we will experience energetic and vibrant health and longevity. To the degree that oxygen is missing, we will experience health problems, liabilities and complications of
In this world, there are good stressors and bad stressors. A bad stressor would be an unhealthy relationship with an individual who is abusive, staying in a job that is a dead-end, bending over backwards just to appease an unfair boss or customer, or depriving yourself of sleep. A good stressor would be exercise, loading weights onto the muscles and bones, pumping the heart rate and working the lungs, abstaining from food for a period of time, or putting yourself
When I discovered the power of grounding, it was revolutionary in my own journey of healing and elevation. I crossed paths with this information at exactly the right time. When this happened, in early 2022, I was clean and healthy and my main health problems had been long solved, but I was feeling at the end of my rope. I was feeling ragged, like I had run up against a a wall. Something was wrong, and I couldn’t figure out
Some people might worry that eating a lot of fruit can be too much sugar which could be detrimental to the teeth themselves. It is true that if sugar is left in contact with tooth enamel it can cause decay. Also, some fruits which are acid fruits (which is to say not acid-forming once digested but acidic in their pre-digested form) like citrus can actually strip the enamel from a tooth if left exposed for an extended period of time.
I hesitate to call this a technology, but actually it is nothing more than that. This practice goes back thousands of years and people used to take hollowed out vegetable gourds from nature and fill them with water and do what they do nowadays with rubber enema bags and colonic machines.Although it can be a bit scary and daunting at first, many people who have done this will attest that the results can be very pleasing, and can include a
Make no mistake — there exists without question known and measurable harm to cellular tissue from electronic radiation, AKA harmful electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). While all of the exact quantities and qualities of how all the different radiation affects our cellular DNA are not exactly documented, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that blasting somebody with radiation has some effect on his or her functionality and state of being.Our world has become very crowded from all of the different
It is important to address the importance of what you do in between eating what you are eating — this is just as important as the actual eating. For the vast majority of our lives, after all, we are not putting something into our mouths, chewing or swallowing.Much has been made of the ‘grazing’ technique, whereby you will constantly be going from one meal to the next, eating several meals throughout the day of smaller portion sizes. If you’re already