
An Essential Green Powder Supplement for Vitamins and Minerals

Let’s face it — even if we eat the healthiest of foods, these foods are in so many cases depleted of nutrients, hollow of vitamins and minerals, and lacking vitality from the earth that they are grown in. The soil quality in America and around the world is shocking. This is what happens whenever you have an industry which has cut corners at every opportunity for so many decades, and when so many toxic farming ingredients have been used which

Supplementing for Specific Needs — Blood Testing, DNA Testing, Urine Testing, Hair Testing

Much of natural healing, detoxification, putting healthier things into your body, and transforming yourself into a healthier, happier individual is intuitive and is as much art as it is science. I find that too much of the world of improving well-being is overly nerd-ified and is based on opinions of how we should interpret certain data and quantifications of measurable science. Many appointed so-called experts are simply repeating somebody else’s opinion. Sadly, in their academic schooling, these bright young students

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Compounds — Does the Body Need Extra Supplements?

Seriously though, all speculations aside about the history of humanity and this planet, let’s get real honest about the quality of our foods — even organic foods. It is indeed lacking, to put it nicely. Unless you can find a very special farmer who grows with intense love and care on a very unique property, you are likely eating a product from the big commercial growers which is probably intensely devoid of certain vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, antioxidants, and more. This

The Power of Juicing

There are logical points of course that I could present to represent the power of juicing. I could talk about how it is beneficial to give your digestive systems a break from having to break down solid food materials. Consuming only liquids provides the fuel needed for the body while the digestive system can work on repair and restoration.Also, many people have poor absorption and therefore still miss out on a lot of nutritional benefits even when they eat great

How Do You Know Natural Methods Will Really Work?

In life, there are no guarantees. Every day you are on this Earth is a bonus and there are no entitlements in the natural world. If you are lucky enough to get out of bed and put both feet on the ground, then the rest is up to you.The same is true with taking a great leap of faith in terms of investing in supplements, taking the energy and time to do a multi-day cleanse or flush, or making changing

Can Everybody Be Saved from Health Problems?

Ultimately, I don’t know for sure whether or not the most advanced cases of individuals who are physically suffering can really turn themselves around completely. On the one hand, you have individuals who are quite aged in terms of years who have given their body many decades of abuse in terms of food, alcohol, smoking and drugs. Then you also must consider there are individuals who enter this planet as a baby in a state of terrible degeneration, in some

How to Maintain Balance

Throughout this journey of detoxification and regeneration, maintaining balance through your own unique struggles, tribulations, and as you overcome your obstacles is a constant necessity. Losing balance runs the risk of faltering and potentially crashing and burning, setting yourself back and causing you to reach your destination much more slowly.How often will you have to focus on maintaining balance you might wonder? Well, how often does a tightrope walker concentrate on maintaining balance? The reality is that it is a

What is a Healing Crisis?

As you progress through detoxification, and clean your body out, moving any harmful materials to the exits, you are liable to experience what is known as a Healing Crisis. This is a phenomenon which is sort of incredible and which is mystical in its own way to try and grasp what it’s all about. But, I will do my best to explain.Here is the basic concept of the healing crisis: As toxins get released from being lodged inside your body,

Eating Healthy is Not For Everyone and Here’s Why

A lot of people sort of recoil with distaste at the concept of eating very healthfully, especially with regard to eating lots of raw foods. They look at somebody who does that as some kind of natural freak, almost like a space alien, and they think of eating this way as a sort of aberration of what life is supposed to be all about.You can see how this would be important to address, on multiple levels. You might be having

Is a Healthy Lifestyle Like Being on a Permanent Diet?

You may be wondering about this radical-sounding way of eating and thinking that it is more like a lifestyle and less like a diet. In fact, my experience is that this is the case. Being into healthy eating, raw electrical foods, feeling good all the time and being highly energized is definitely a lifestyle. Each indulgence to eat cooked comfort foods comes with a crash from the buzz of being on a high-raw intake of foods, much like a druggie