
B Vitamins for Energy and Cellular Function

Among the different areas where you might consider supplementation, B Vitamins seem to be, in all of my experience, research and education, one of the most needed and potentially lacking groups of nutrients in the human body today in our modern world.Evidence shows that levels of different B Vitamins, due to soil depletion, expedient commercial farming practices, and other issues, are especially lacking in our food sources. There could also be a case made which could assert that our modern

Nuances of Vitamin C as an Antioxidant Supplement

Vitamin C is one of the most amazing nutrients found in food on our planet. It not only literally keeps our bodies alive but allows us to thrive and give our cells protection and regeneration. Without adequate Vitamin C, you would actually die.The way that Vitamin C works in the body is mainly as a cofactor, assisting the cells in things like connective tissue regeneration and repair, fat metabolism, and neurotransmitter production. It also functions as an antioxidant, which helps

Iodine — The Secret Missing Molecule for Ideal Health?

When I was first putting together the information for the Rapid Regeneration program, I considered not including the information regarding iodine. ’It’s too controversial,’ I thought to myself. ‘I’ll get criticism from both sides.’However, I decided that I can’t not include it — it would be unethical. Whether or not something is controversial, I must consider the efficacy of how well it works and if it can help somebody. Iodine is something I have been privy to for almost a

Probiotics to Assist Alkaline Body Chemistry

Probiotics have become quite trendy in recent times, which is also true for the microbiome and the body’s internal landscape. More attention has been paid as of late, even by the mainstream scientific community, to the terrain inside of the body and keeping it in good healthy condition in order to have good chemical balance and even good immune function. I’m not sure what took so long!Probiotics are a natural assistant to the lymphatic system and kidneys, because these beneficial

Red Alert — Sunshine and Vitamin D3 at Shockingly Low Levels

It seems sometimes that we live in a bizarro world. We are taught to stay in our homes and to be terrified of outside threats as though our immune system is incapable of defending ourselves. We are conditioned to eat three square meals per day, and the notion of skipping a meal or a day of eating is treated by the mainstream viewpoint as radical or even dangerous. And, we have now gotten to the point in society where we

An Essential Green Powder Supplement for Vitamins and Minerals

Although this is a quick look at just one accessory, it is one of the most critical things I have picked up on in my lifetime. My intention is for the program of Rapid Regeneration to be like a goldmine, where all throughout the orifice of the mountain you have little nuggets of gold that stick out, which you can carve out and mine for yourself. That is what my journey has been like as a Truth Seeker, gathering glimmering

Supplementing for Specific Needs — Blood Testing, DNA Testing, Urine Testing, Hair Testing

Much of natural healing, detoxification, putting healthier things into your body, and transforming yourself into a healthier, happier individual is intuitive and is as much art as it is science. I find that too much of the world of improving well-being is overly nerd-ified and is based on opinions of how we should interpret certain data and quantifications of measurable science. Many appointed so-called experts are simply repeating somebody else’s opinion. Sadly, in their academic schooling, these bright young students

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Compounds — Does the Body Need Extra Supplements?

One of the age old questions in the world of nutrition, health and wellness is — does the body require additional supplement products, and if so which ones and how much should be consumed? This is one of the most complex and involved questions to answer. I will do what I can to share my insights resulting from many years of experience and education. Please know that I am not a nutritionist, a doctor or a medical professional. If it

Additional Cleansing and Other Supplements to Consider

At this point, if you have followed along with the information contained within the Rapid Regeneration program, you have now completed total body cleansing. This is truly amazing and revolutionary and after I had completed the first four cleanses I really did feel completely different and better and had such an empowering sense of momentum. I felt renewed confidence that I could actually solve my health problems, and frankly my faith in humanity and in nature was restored, by the

Harmful Chemical & Heavy Metal Detox – Kidney & Lymphatic Cleansing

If you have completed intestinal cleansing, liver cleansing, and parasite cleansing, then I want to give you a big congratulations. You are putting yourself in a great position to win with your health and putting yourself on the side of the angels. Even though it’s really not that difficult, very few people commit the time and resources which are necessary to clean themselves out and renew their systems in such a dramatic way.Those are the Big Three, no question, in