The Deer Method / Taoism / Ancient Chinese Wisdom

I have been blessed over the years to discover and discern many sets of knowledge and wisdom that exist. Always, my mission has been to ascertain the truth of things, so that I could fully heal and elevate myself. Since committing myself to helping you within the scope of Rapid Regeneration, my sense of responsibility is even greater to find and distill the best information so that I can be that much more effective in helping you.

Sometimes I come across something and it seems so far out that it’s hard for my mind to grasp at first and I am resistant to the download of data. This was definitely true when I discovered certain elements of Taoism, such as The Tao of Sexology, and the Deer Method for both men and women. I am not going to go into overwhelming detail of how to practice these methods. But I will provide reference to this information directly, so that you can investigate it for yourself:

The basic premise of this one particular movement of the body (the Deer Method) was inspired by watching deer in their natural setting. Oftentimes, it was observed that deer would clinch their sphincter throughout the ordinary course of their day. Why would they do this? Although there are other techniques involved and other sistering methodologies that go hand in hand with the Deer Method, one of the main techniques emulates what the deer is doing in this moment.

What you do is clinch your sphincter muscles. As you do this, feel the energy rising up from the base of the pelvis, up through the spine, and all the way up to the top of the head. You may notice that the energy rises out of the top of the head, like a crown, and that some of this energy will flow back down into the head and spine, forming a sort of energy vortex shape. You can do this part of the deer method anywhere at anytime. Although is it subtle at first, as time goes on and your endurance in holding this movement grows, you should notice the energy flow building more and more strongly.

There are also other techniques and movements that complete the Deer Method and which go hand and hand with the squeezing of the sphincter, on which you should consult the original author to get the exact instructions. There are many Taoist methods that tie in the mind, body, and awareness, such as controlling the saliva flowing through the body when you swallow, as well as controlling the breath throughout your body.

I do not find myself aligned with all of the tenets of Taoism, which sometimes can recommend things pretty far out there, but my approach is to judge a tree by its fruits. I can see that so many of the Taoist methods work. Personally, I have employed many of these methods and I can attest (as well as my romantic partners can tell you) that these techniques work just like clockwork. Using these methods will help to elevate something like physical intimacy from mere attraction into a true healing art — this surely is a more aspirational calling for this special physical partnership between humans.

I am open-minded and will try almost anything, and I also trust my instinct and discernment about the truthfulness of various methods which are out there. I had always suspected that the Chinese culture, going back thousands of years, has harbored many great secrets and treasures about longevity and even (figurative) immortality if I may be so bold as to say. Indeed, although the texts and readings can be a bit esoteric and dry, many of the truths and information contained within has worked for me personally and other people I know who have given it a try. Check it out for yourself one of these days!