Mitigating EMF Radiation / Electronic Pollution

Make no mistake — there exists without question known and measurable harm to cellular tissue from electronic radiation, AKA harmful electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). While all of the exact quantities and qualities of how all the different radiation affects our cellular DNA are not exactly documented, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that blasting somebody with radiation has some effect on his or her functionality and state of being.

Our world has become very crowded from all of the different frequencies. This includes everything from high-power electricity transmission lines traveling above the ground, to satellite internet and television, to cellular phone towers broadcasting out to all the cellular devices, to wifi routers in individual buildings, to other ‘smart’ objects which are emitting their own frequencies into the Internet of Things. Compounding on all this are also the smart meters which send data back and forth on their own wireless cellular networks, as well as all the modern cars which are equipped with their own wireless transmission systems communicating with satellites as well as cellular towers. These items comprise the mainstream emitters of electronic radiation as of the time of writing — on top of which there are no doubt other contributors as well, and surely there will be more disruptive technologies to arrive.

Let’s start with the easy ones first. How about switching from WiFi in your home to ethernet plugged-in wiring? This sounds more difficult than it is.

You can also clean up the signals coming from your phone. This is a big one, as these frequencies are constantly running, and most of the time this little rectangular prism is right next to your body. There are several radioactive frequencies being transmitted (unless you disable them) to and from your cellular device which include:
Actual phone signals for voice or text (older frequency technology from a more primitive time)
So-called ‘cellular’ data for sending denser information like accessing more enriched data over the internet or apps (there are different generations of cellular data as time progresses that progressively get more intense in terms of radiation)
Location services AKA GPS services which work via satellite and cell towers to map your location
WiFi which constantly sends out signals searching for WiFi transmitters
Bluetooth which is another operating band of frequencies constantly searching for other Bluetooth devices to connect with

You can do relatively the same thing with your car, in that you can go into its settings and disable Bluetooth, and in some cases GPS / location services.

Electronics and appliances in the home are another sources of electronic pollution. This can include things like TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, washer/dryers, among other appliances and devices.

You can also utilize the power of crystals to help ground yourself and perhaps even create a buffer against harmful radiation. There are some good ones like Shungite as well as many other stones which can help with this.

You can also get grounding mats, grounding sheets and pillowcases, which plug into the wall outlets of your home, connecting to the grounding rod which is emitting the underground frequency of the Earth itself. Look for another chapter on this more extensively for improving the body’s frequency, but also keep in mind how much it can help in terms of mitigating the EMF issue as well.