Emotions, Detox & Regeneration

As you go through this journey of recreating and rebuilding your health, all sorts of things will happen to your ‘other’ bodies besides your physical body, including but not limited to your emotional body, your spiritual body, your causal body, your mental body, and more. It is a complete journey and won’t be limited just to changes in flesh, blood and bone. It is mystical, powerful, and wonderful ultimately as a beautiful experience.

As you experience physical detox, and you get rid of toxins in the body, so too can you go through emotional detox, where you can get rid of old emotional hang-ups and old baggage. As you get rid of the things which have been holding you back from thriving and being your best self from a chemical point of view, like an avalanche, it also unlocks old parts of yourself emotionally that will also be purged out.

Just like in chemical detoxification, where you may experience temporary pain and discomfort as old chemistry gets unbounded, freed up, dislodged and processed out of the body via the elimination organs and lymphatic system, so too can the same concept apply for negative emotions as they get eliminated or processed out. In other words, you may have to experience a touch of the negativity of the actual emotional entity that is being purged, on its way out.

This could include crying, feelings of longing and wistfulness, unrealized desires, sensations of abandonment and/or loneliness, desperation and despair, anger and rage, or blame, among many other negative emotions. As you clean out your body and your life, your spirit may attempt to get rid of these old ugly and flawed parts of yourself. As this happens, you can experience them fully, for a brief fleeting point in time, which could last minutes, hours, or days, and then — poof — that old part of your identity and your emotional fabric is gone, just like the acids, toxins, and damaged cells in your body too get purged out. It’s kind of amazing — so don’t resist it and embrace the process.

Many of us carry negative, toxic emotional baggage, if not all humans. It is virtually impossible to go through life on this planet without going through these emotionally traumatic experiences. Well, I’m here to tell you that — although you certainly could if you want to — you don’t have to sign up for some religion or pay thousands of dollars to an organization in order to get yourself emotionally clear.

Take care of the train engine, and the caboose will follow suit. Clean up your body and get yourself healthy and well to the point where you can do amazing things and live up to your potential from a physical standpoint, and your emotional self will start to naturally gravitate and get in line with that program.

Don’t ask me why, but the universe will simply reward you for putting yourself into a state of harmony in terms of the foods you are eating and keeping yourself cleansed and well. This is not a super technical chapter for me to expound on because much of this area of emotional detox and regeneration is a profound mystery and happens as part of an amazing equation that is not totally calculated or easy to quantify. Just go with the flow and let it happen.

Allow yourself some silence or ‘blank canvas’ for your new emotional body to be created — which should be a calm, resting state of being relaxed, humorous, positive, and easy-going. This may be quite different from your regular mode of operating for years or even decades.