What is the End Game? Do You Have to Eat Healthy Forever

A lot of people, when exploring the world of healthy eating especially raw foods and the prospect of changing what they are eating, become concerned about giving up their favorite foods and abandoning certain creature comforts about their present lifestyle. That is completely understandable.

It is my philosophy that you don’t need to worry about that happening. My school of thought is not to convert somebody to an orthodox raw foodist. Instead, the approach has always been, for starters, not to worry about the diet and just start adding in herbal supplements and cleansing. Then, supplement and augment what you’re eating now using the power of raw foods. You can accomplish a lot of ground, between where you are right now and the destination of where you want to be with your health goals, by just adding in lots of good things into your daily life and without completing eliminating all of the so-called ‘unhealthy foods’ from what you’re currently eating.

If during the process of adding more raw foods into your lifestyle you decide to immerse yourself completely in the energetic transformation of eating almost all or all raw foods, especially fruit, then more power to you and I would reckon that you will accelerate your velocity towards getting the results you desire by doing that.

If let’s say you are nearly or all raw in terms of the foods you are eating, and you keep that up for a while (let’s say until you fix your health issues), and then decide you want to continue eating mostly or all raw for the rest of your life, good for you. You may find that it becomes a sensational high and that you continue to find higher and higher levels of vibrational energy and inner harmony to continue living your life that way.

If on the other hand, you should achieve the results you want from either a partially raw, mostly raw or fully raw lifestyle — enough so where you now feel strong and resilient health-wise — and wish to return to eating some of your favorite comfort foods and get back into a more regular lifestyle, I take absolutely no issue with that. There are numerous examples of this with well-known people in the raw food community who are still in relatively good health after they went back to cooked foods. Many of these individuals seem to be doing fine health-wise following their own version of balance.

It’s 100% a personal choice. If you were to find your health to deteriorate and become compromised after going back on cooked foods, then you know exactly what to do and how to detoxify and regenerate yourself once again. Just be careful about ‘playing with fire’ once you’re healthy and well — some of us after falling ill once want to reduce that risk as much as possible, knowing how miserable it can be, and so stick with more healthy foods even after feeling vibrant, energetic health.

My philosophy is for you to try out the world of raw, to transition into eating more healthful cleansing foods, and seeing where that takes you. Try and live in the moment when it comes to your health and well-being. Why fill your head with schemes and plans and mapping out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life — who knows what’s going to happen? Just give this a try, in terms of eating more fruits and raw foods, and then see if that takes you on the journey of regeneration to your ideal destination.

I am giving you permission to just use the amazing power of raw foods temporarily as a means to an end. Let Mother Nature give you the incredible gift of healing and regeneration for now. Get a taste for yourself of the incredible power of your own self-healing process, once activated, and figure out the end-game later.

The truth is, by recommending you ‘dip your toe in the water’ or wade in waist deep, I know that you may ultimately decide to dive all the way into the deep end headfirst. In my own experience, regenerating the body can be very addicting almost, and it becomes a thrill to get more and more energetic results. Maybe that’s just me and my own personality to keep chasing the next level of performance and state of being.

I’ve been at this a while now personally with no plans to slow down or stop. I’ve had my times where I leaned more heavily on certain cooked foods over the years. At this point, I intend to continue eating lots of raw foods for the foreseeable future, but that could change. I’ve always been a bit mercurial…

That’s part of the fun is to see where things will take you after you really start exploring the world of raw foods. There’s no need to get bogged down in a five year plan when it comes to what you’re going to be eating, much less a lifetime projection. Just go with the flow for right now. Use the tools available to solve your pressing, urgent health problems or achieve your health goals to get to the next level.

Once you elevate to the next level, it will be actually a fun and satisfying quandary for you to explore what you should do next!