An Essential Green Powder Supplement for Vitamins and Minerals

Although this is a quick look at just one accessory, it is one of the most critical things I have picked up on in my lifetime. My intention is for the program of Rapid Regeneration to be like a goldmine, where all throughout the orifice of the mountain you have little nuggets of gold that stick out, which you can carve out and mine for yourself. That is what my journey has been like as a Truth Seeker, gathering glimmering truths from one place to the next, and compiling them all together into one resource to hopefully make the next traveler’s journey a little less burdensome than mine.

Let’s face it — even if we eat the healthiest of foods, these foods are in so many cases depleted of nutrients, hollow of vitamins and minerals, and lacking vitality from the earth that they are grown in. The soil quality in America and around the world is shocking. This is what happens whenever you have an industry which has cut corners at every opportunity for so many decades, and when so many toxic farming ingredients have been used which can further compromise the food of beneficial nutrients and minerals.

While fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds literally been a lifesaver for me, I have always been rather dissatisfied at the produce being sold at my local grocery store. It is this awareness of the subpar nature of the food which led me to find a product which could compensate for that. This is a whole-food green powder, specifically organic barley grass juice powder, which can be added into a smoothie or to other foods, and therefore expand the nutrient content of a meal in terms of giving yourself some of the most vital ingredients that exist to aid human biology.

Many foods grown by big commercial farmers are lacking in so many essential minerals. This is partly due to the expedient nature of ‘Big Agri’ in how it grows — growers seek short-term gains for the least amount of money vested in a crop yield. Sadly, this ultimately creates a less nutritious and less mineral-rich and vitamin-rich product.

How to get enough nutrients such as potassium, chromium, sodium, iron, magnesium, manganese, Vitamin K, selenium, zinc — among so many other compounds — is a very fair question. Consuming a special harvest of this green powder is the ideal method because it is grown in a very enriching way, allowing this superfood to contain as much minerals, vitamins and nutrition as possible.

You can add this powder to a smoothie, dressing, sprinkle some into a bowl of fruit or salad, or add it as a sort of salty natural seasoning to a dish. After I started consuming this daily, I noticed that I had more energy, and also observed my physical athleticism increase. As a side note, because of the natural sodium, it also helped me not to crave salty junk foods as much. I even feel that I eat less food overall as a result of consuming this powder daily, because of the power-packed nutrition it contains.

An individual should get adequate sodium from a natural source, and many people do not. A deficiency in this area can cause somebody to experience electrolyte and/or blood imbalances. Sodium is available within plants, especially certain vegetables and leafy greens, but is lacking in commercially grown foods. A food source is the ideal way to consume this element, because the sodium is balanced out and synergized by all of the other trace minerals, vitamins, chemistry and electricity of the plant. This allows your body to remain in more of a balance than it would be after consuming a more isolated sodium source such as sea salt — even unrefined, natural sea salt.

While taking additional supplements in their isolated form is a separate issue, taking a dose of the green powder is considered a part of eating a food in its whole and complete form, and so these amazing compounds are synergistically bound within the food they were formed in. This is a superior way to supplement nutrients into your body, if at all possible, as compared with consuming an isolated supplement which has been extracted or synthesized and is not as bioavailable or usable all by itself when consumed by the body.

Essentially what you are doing is supplementing by eating a food which is actually as nutritious and mineral-rich as all foods should be. Your body will surely thank you for that. Give it a try for yourself!