Essential Knowledge for Proper Food Combining

Food combining is one of those critical areas that can be the key difference-maker in an individual either achieving optimal, robust health, or somebody falling way short of that and continuing to sabotage their health, and not knowing why.

Somebody could really clean up their consumption of food and eat very healthily, or even make a full transition into raw foods — due to the desire to solve their health problems or achieve ideal levels of energy — but still unknowingly create very acidic conditions within their body due to negative effects from bad food combining. This can cause a block from his or her body achieving an alkaline state and actually healing itself.

Transversely, for individuals who are eating a more standard modern diet of cooked foods, if their food is combined properly, even if the food is acid-forming to begin with, some people can still maintain relatively good well-being and functionality for an extended period of time.

Here are 19 concepts which can help you to accelerate your speed towards achieving your health and wellness goals.

Concept #1: Simple sugars are the easiest thing for the body to digest — they are digested in the small intestine.

Concept #2: Eat your fruits (and vegetables for the most part) by themselves, without combining them with other types of foods.

Concept #3: Protein is digested in the stomach and requires a complex acid digestive process.

Concept #4: Each stage of the digestive process is like a puzzle piece. If one stage is missed or messed up, then it won’t fit into the next stage.

Concept #5: Fruits and starches should not be eaten together. If fruits are eaten with a starch, it will inhibit the digestion of the starch.

Concept #6: Protein and starch eaten together are a classic violation of proper food combining.

Concept #7: Different digestive juices are secreted depending on the food which is eaten.

Concept #8: The stomach has different compartments, which are suited for digestion of different types of foods.

Concept #9: Putrefaction by means of bacterial breakdown is a harmful and toxic process which should be avoided.

Concept #10: Fats and proteins should ideally not be eaten together.

Concept #11: Proteins should generally not be eaten with fruit, although there are a few exceptions.

Concept #12: Non-starch vegetables are considered neutral and can be combined with other foods.

Concept #13: There does exist in nature food combinations of different substances like sugars, starches, proteins and fats.

Concept #14: Some of these concepts are more shades of grey and not black and white.

Concept #15: If foods are combined properly, ideal weight management is more achievable and portion size is not as important.

Concept #16: Drinking liquids during or close to the time of a meal will dilute the digestive juices and have an undesirable effect upon the digestive process.

Concept #17: Eating an abundance of green vegetables can possibly have a beneficial effect or counteract some of the harm of bad food combinations.

Concept #18: A few higher level guidelines on eating fruits.

Concept #19: As much as different types of foods do not combine well, so too should consideration be made for combining environmental factors with meals.


All of this information in this section could have been a separate book entirely because it’s an extensive subject. It took a lot of research and many years of experience. I am even sure that there is information about food combining that I missed and which is not covered here, although I tried to get the lion’s share of it compiled in one place so that you can use it to increase your success.

Use it wisely…