Eye Washing

So much of Rapid Regeneration seems to be about washing and cleaning and cleansing and purifying — sometimes, it makes you feel just like an old maid, cleaning and cleaning until the cows come home. I don’t know what to tell you except that detoxification can be a dirty business and sometimes the only way to really get the job done right is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

We take so much care of oral hygiene, keeping our teeth and mouths fastidiously clean, but what about the other orifices? Indeed, there are techniques for that too, as you will see in this chapter and a few others.

Eye washing involves taking a special eye cup and filling it with a special cleaning solution that is mostly water and a touch of boiled herbs especially selected for their ability to support the eye tissues. You then lie on the floor, with your head resting on a book so your neck is comfortable. Sit up briefly, and put the cup up to your eyeball, as you would affix goggles onto your eyes. The suction around the rim of the eye cup will make a snug fit around the eye. You then lie back and just relax. The suction of the cup will actually allow the cup to stay attached without you holding it and you can let your arms just fall freely on the floor.

The water from the cup will sort of drain and absorb into your eyeball. This is a strange sensation at first, but the feeling becomes soothing and therapeutic. You can feel the water draining back from the eyeball, into the sinuses and even the brain area. It should feel good to lubricate the eyeballs with pure, clean water, as well as the herbal formula — the opposite feeling of when you open your eyes in a chlorinated swimming pool and it makes the eyes burn.

You can use either a combination of water with the eye wash formula, or just with plain distilled and purified water.

The eye wash herbal formula is here:
And the cups are here:

If you use the eye wash formula, follow the instructions closely to heat water and mix in a very small amount of the formula first into the hot water, before allowing it to cool and pouring it into the eye wash cups to then apply. Do not put a mixture with raw herbal tincture in your eyes.

Washing out your eyes can help provide relief and cleansing benefits to the eyes, eyesight, or even the nervous system, brain, head, or the sinuses. I don’t deny that this certainly may sound strange, but give the eye wash technique a try for yourself if you’re up for it!