
Now we have addressed the strategy of getting yourself healthy and well in the most expedient way. Food is a great tool which can transform your health, but it’s hard to control discipline and cravings at first, and also if the body is not cleaned out, it won’t properly absorb the benefits of good food. So, I started out presenting this information going through the supplementing and cleansing route because I want to give you something that you can do easily which can have a tremendous impact on your well-being in a short span of time.
Once you have completed that, I think there is a good chance that you will now feel up to the challenge of making some changes in what you are eating. I personally felt this intrinsic motivation after I had done some of the basic cleanses that was overwhelming in a positive sense to start putting into my body more cleansing, energizing foods.
I thanked God that I felt that at the time, because I generally had not felt like that before. In fact, food was a big stumbling block for me. I always felt rather addicted to junk food, fast food, and all the rest.
I learned about the amazing power of eating fruit and was lucky enough to discover this information. When I did, I thought to myself, ‘Really? It’s so ridiculously simple. Never had I thought during all these years that such an obvious food could have such a tremendous impact.’
To be clear, fruit was not my favorite food, or the tastiest food to me. It’s just that I discovered it was the most effective food for detoxification and regeneration, which I have verified and confirmed over the years. I would like to outline a few of the main reasons why that is, so you have have a higher awareness of the power of fruits and how they can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.
Did I mention that I was once in a completely miserable and desperate place health-wise, and that I completely reversed all of that using supplements, cleansing, and especially eating lots of fruit? Please, allow me to continue to explain the power behind this amazing gift from nature.
Fruit will assist you in cleansing out your body, simply put, because chemically the way that it interacts with your body — it is a matter of chemistry. If you are particularly science-minded, feel free to skip ahead to the section entitled ‘Understanding Body Chemistry’. In a nutshell, to the degree that your body is chemically unbalanced towards the acidic side of chemistry, you will be suffering health-wise. To the degree that your body is chemically balanced towards the alkaline side of chemistry, you will be thriving in vibrant health. There are a few exceptions where occasionally people get into trouble due to being overly alkaline, but those cases are rare compared with an abundance of individuals who are overly acidic. In almost all cases of poor health, that person’s body will be associated with highly acidic chemistry.
Consuming the most commonly-eaten foods results in acidic chemistry, including basically all cooked foods, unfortunately. Eating these types of foods creates a chemical aftermath which can include sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen, most commonly (these are acid-forming elements in the body when too much of these are created), as well as many other carcinogenic byproducts like acrylamides. On the other hand, when you eat raw fruits, it leaves behind a chemical aftermath consisting generally of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium — these elements are alkalizing to the body.
One of the basic premises of Rapid Regeneration is that your body is intelligent and will detoxify and regenerate itself. It has a self-healing process which will automatically fix problems and imbalances, much as a plant will regenerate and regrow itself. However, you have to get out of its way in order for your body to do that. How do you do that? You have to stop throwing at it acid chemistry, constantly, which overwhelms your body with tasks of constantly battling and buffering against acids. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you get out of your own way.
By stopping giving your body too much acids constantly, it will free up resources and energy within your body to actually heal, strengthen and regenerate itself. So one of the big benefits of fruit is that it is non-acid-forming. The other side of this coin is that fruit is alkaline-forming. An alkaline environment is what your body needs to focus on its own healing and repairing abilities.
From a nutritional standpoint, there are numerous benefits, although I am sure going through this program by now you have realized that food isn’t just nutritive — it’s electro-chemical. So yes — fruits have all the amazing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, amino acids and everything else. What’s amazing is how that chemistry is bound together synergistically to deliver those resources to your body, unlike a multi-vitamin pill. Also the simple sugars (unlike complex sugars in other foods which are harmful) of fruits are the easiest possible energy source for your body to assimilate and use as fuel.
Not only is fruit alkalizing and highly nutritional, it is also naturally cleansing. Fruit is naturally astringent, meaning that it will pull out acidic chemistry from the tissues of your body, and essentially neutralize them — basically like a solvent or cleaning agent. It is important to keep in mind that some fruits are more astringent, and others aren’t really much astringent at all. Your more acid fruits, like grapes, citrus fruits, pineapple, and so forth, are the more astringent fruits.
As a side note, it’s important to point out that just because a fruit is an ‘acid fruit’, it doesn’t mean it’s acid-forming in the body. What’s important is the digestive aftermath, after the food is digested. In the case of acid and sub-acid fruits, after going through the stomach and small intestines, the chemistry created within your body is actually alkaline. Hopefully that clears up a point there which could otherwise be confusing.
So many fruits are highly astringent, in that they will naturally clean out your body with the pulling quality. The fiber from fruit also has a cleansing, maintaining effect on the gastrointestinal tract, acting as a sort of broom.
Fruit is also very hydrating to the body, which is very important as many health conditions occur in a dehydrated, cationic chemical state of the body (even if the individual is drinking lots of water). Fruits are very high in electrolytes, have high water content, and are extremely hydrating to the body. You may find that you actually thirst for less water when you eat a lot of fruit.
Also a benefit to eating fruit is the probiotic benefits that come with eating a raw, living food. The beneficial bacteria have not been killed in the cooking process, and so when you eat a raw piece of fruit, you are getting a natural probiotic kick as well. Also known as phytonutrients, there are numerous benefits to having a healthy gut biome and population of beneficial bacteria in your lymphatic system. This helps with the breakdown of acidic chemistry to help in the filtration process, Vitamin B creation among other cofactors, as well as numerous other benefits.
Nutrition aside, having covered the chemical importance of alkalizing, nutritional fruit, as well as the cleaning benefits, the hydrating qualities and the probiotic help we can get from fruits, I would like to lastly point out the electrical energy contained within fruits. This is not some kind of far-out, hippie-dippie unsubstantiated claim — it is real, measurable science.
Raw fruit contains more electrical energy than any other type of food. This is covered in the segment ‘Cooked vs. Raw Foods’. As much as I like vegetables, and I definitely can enjoy a good dish of cooked vegetables, the cooked vegetables are vibrating at only 4,000 to 6,500 angstroms, approximately, while the raw vegetables will contain about 8,000 to 9,000 angstroms. Most humans are vibrating at around 6,500 angstroms, so the cooked vegetables would actually take you down a peg, vibrational-wise, and the raw vegetables would elevate you electrically.
Fruit on the other hand can contain 10,000 angstroms or more, higher than any other food on Planet Earth. If you are looking for a food that will be stimulating to you energetically speaking, and even spiritually, look no further than fruit, because it will do exactly that. We humans are simply blobs of flesh, blood and bone that are electrically charged. We are transmitters of electricity, conductive, and purpose-oriented. We are divine, spiritual creatures, containing high levels of awareness and greater powers than even we realize.
This is an area not even close to being completely understood by our scientific community or by human beings in general. Many times people have problems with their health, and can point to an imbalance of chemistry, or a deficiency of nutrition, or a toxic overload in their environment or what they are consuming — and all of these would be valid strategies.
But how about electrical problems? What happens when somebody loses that ‘spark’ and can’t figure out how to get it back? I think we’ve all seen it happen to individuals, who become degenerated, dull and on their way to death’s doorstep. Or it can drag on for many decades as somebody just functions in their everyday live, carrying on, but without really having that buzz and vibrance about them.
If you have any problems relating to your nervous system, mental stamina, focus, energy, endurance, and emotions, consider intaking more of the best food for boosting your electrical energy and vibration to the highest possible levels. It’s easier to elevate when you let nature lift you up to resonate at a higher electrical frequency. This informs the cells in your body and activates their intelligence, attuning them to the frequency of the food you are feeding them.
With so many benefits to eating a lot of fruit, why wouldn’t you do it? Well, my friend, the answer is simple: Because it’s hard. I am not going to sugarcoat it. I never said it would be easy. But it is amazingly simple — if you can really wrap your head around it — how to get healthy, vibrant and well.
I will promise you this — stick with me, especially over the next few segments, and I will share with you from my own experience and insights the art of transitioning into getting healthier. I’ll show you how to add more fruits into your diet without overwhelming yourself or making radical changes. Slowly, you can work more of this amazing food in without feeling like you’re making such strict changes to how you like to live your life.
Please, do not be intimated. I will show you how to approach this beast of improving the types of foods you are consuming to give your body more beneficial, helping foods, so that you can get out of your own body’s way and let it solve the problems you wish to be solved.
Someday I hope you will experience the sensation of total regeneration, as well as the high-frequency sensation of overwhelming electrical energy. Please hang in there with me and I will guide you through how to navigate the world of foods, as well as the other important topics ahead, so that you can achieve your health goals.