Why Fruit is the Best Food for Detox & Regeneration

There are certain key qualities that fruits have which help to alkalize and detoxify the body and prepare for it to achieve a harmonic and optimal self-correcting condition.

Now we have addressed the strategy of getting yourself healthy and well in the most expedient way. Food is a great tool which can transform your health, but it’s hard to control discipline and cravings at first, and also if the body is not cleaned out, it won’t properly absorb the benefits of good food. So, I started out presenting this information going through the supplementing and cleansing route because I want to give you something that you can do easily which can have a tremendous impact on your well-being in a short span of time.

Once you have completed that, I think there is a good chance that you will now feel up to the challenge of making some changes in what you are eating. I personally felt this intrinsic motivation after I had done some of the basic cleanses that was overwhelming in a positive sense to start putting into my body more cleansing, energizing foods.

I thanked God that I felt that at the time, because I generally had not felt like that before. In fact, food was a big stumbling block for me. I always felt rather addicted to junk food, fast food, and all the rest.

I learned about the amazing power of eating fruit and was lucky enough to discover this information. When I did, I thought to myself, ‘Really? It’s so ridiculously simple. Never had I thought during all these years that such an obvious food could have such a tremendous impact.’

To be clear, fruit was not my favorite food, or the tastiest food to me. It’s just that I discovered it was the most effective food for detoxification and regeneration, which I have verified and confirmed over the years. I would like to outline a few of the main reasons why that is, so you have have a higher awareness of the power of fruits and how they can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Did I mention that I was once in a completely miserable and desperate place health-wise, and that I completely reversed all of that using supplements, cleansing, and especially eating lots of fruit? Please, allow me to continue to explain the power behind this amazing gift from nature.

Please, do not be intimated. I will show you how to approach this beast of improving the types of foods you are consuming to give your body more beneficial, helping foods, so that you can get out of your own body’s way and let it solve the problems you wish to be solved.

Someday I hope you will experience the sensation of total regeneration, as well as the high-frequency sensation of overwhelming electrical energy. Please hang in there with me and I will guide you through how to navigate the world of foods, as well as the other important topics ahead, so that you can achieve your health goals.