Fruit-Only Cleanse / Fruit Fast

The first higher-level cleanse that is worth looking at would be a fruit-only cleanse. This is where you eat only fruit for as long as possible, for example four or five days in a row, or simply as long as you can go. The higher-level version of this would be that you would eat fruit only, except it would exclude fatty fruits, such as avocado, olives, and coconut.

In either case, whether you eat just fruits with or without the fatty fruits, all foods consumed should be raw and uncooked, ideally without any salt added. Vegetables would be encouraged to be avoided, due to their slightly lower electrical frequency, increased work needed from a digestive point of view, and so you can stimulate as much alkalinity from eating as many stringent, detoxifying fruits as possible.

This is a great thing to try for yourself. I remember when I was first getting into raw foods and start incorporating a lot of fruit into my diet and seeing amazing results. What was interesting was that, at the same time I was really benefiting from and eating a lot of fruits, I was still hooked on cooked foods like starches, high amounts of fats, salts, vinegar and fermented foods, and savory crunchy things. It took me a while, in fact almost three years, to really transition to eating almost a completely raw intake of foods in an attempt to accelerate my healing and take things up a notch.

Initially, I was just eating fruit for one meal a day and maybe some snacks, and then after a very long time when I got more serious I bumped it up to two raw meals a day, but I was still eating cooked foods for at least one meal a day. I don’t think that I went a full day of eating just fruit for probably two years after I first got into fruits. Even after I transitioned to eating almost all raw, I was still consuming a very high amount of fats. I didn’t do my first fruit-only cleanse cutting out the fats until more than three years after I first got into fruits, raw foods, herbal cleansing, and natural methods of trying to solve my health problems.

That shows you how daunting that this can be. So it may sound easy at first — no problem, just eat fruit. But actually, depending on how accustomed your body is to eating junk foods and/or high amounts of fat and protein, this can be very intimidating. Once you start eating just fruit, you may feel a bit overwhelmed and in a weird state mentally.

This is a good time to bring up the fact that this is 90% a mental challenge, and 10% a physical one. Your body in all likelihood will actually be relieved and thank you for what you are doing. It will be experiencing numerous benefits, from being extremely hydrated, overloaded with electrolytes, super-charged with high electrical energy, cleansed from the astringent and alkalizing nature of fruits, nourished from the amazing nutrition, vitamins and minerals, and assisted by the probiotic bacteria that are found in raw fruit.

Your mind, on the other hand, will be telling you to throw in the towel and give it up. Especially after years and decades, it is challenging to break any habit. Countless studies have been done on the brain documenting how the ‘pleasure centers’ located near the frontal lobes of the brain are stimulated and light up when we eat our favorite foods — the same way they light up when a drug addict prepares to take his next dose. When you abstain from something you’ve been habitually doing over and over, these well-grooved pathways of the brain are neglected and your mind will urge and pressure you to do what pleases it.