Harmful Chemical & Heavy Metal Detox – Kidney & Lymphatic Cleansing

If you have completed intestinal cleansing, liver cleansing, and parasite cleansing, then I want to give you a big congratulations. You are putting yourself in a great position to win with your health and putting yourself on the side of the angels. Even though it’s really not that difficult, very few people commit the time and resources which are necessary to clean themselves out and renew their systems in such a dramatic way.

Those are the Big Three, no question, in my opinion. The Big Three Cleanses really target a lot of key areas. So what’s left? I am going to mention a fourth body cleanse here, with respect to chemical and heavy metal cleansing and stimulating the kidneys and lymphatic system. This is super important and your body will absolutely thank you for doing it. I will consider this fourth cleanse to be extra credit, where I consider the Big Three to be absolutely essential. This system of the body does respond excellently to herbal cleansing and so while I consider it less critical than the first three, it’s still something everybody should do at least to stimulate this system and give it a push to get working better on its own.

The kidneys and lymphatic system in most individuals are majorly in need of cleansing, and could use a little bit of herbal stimulation and help. After all, even though we helped out the intestines, the liver and the immune system, the kidneys and lymphatic system are actually the main eliminative and cleansing system of the body. And also, something else that goes hand-in-glove with that would be the deep cleansing of harmful chemicals and heavy metals out of the tissues of the body. These two are quite interrelated really, because harmful chemicals and heavy metals ultimately will be filtered out largely through the kidneys and lymphatic system, although you may also see some toxins being dumped into the colon for removal, processed via the liver, respirated out, or cleared out of the skin.

The kidneys and lymphatic system are really the star of the show, when it comes to detoxification, cleansing and renewal of your body. For a more in-depth look of why this fluid-based system of the body is so important please see the section entitled: ‘Understanding the Lymphatic System’. We were really just cleaning out the gut, liver, and parasites from the system as a means of getting the body ready to really dig into detoxification on a deeper level. You were just preparing the body to be ready to effectively really filter out toxins and acids through the lymphatic system and eliminate them mostly via the kidneys and urinary system.

There are multiple sources of toxins, poisons, and heavy metals — these can get stored in fat molecules, calcified along the walls of tissues, or kept somewhere causing an obstruction in the lymphatic system, which encompasses all of the areas of your body which are in between everything else.

Long-term toxin build-up can certainly result from eating unhealthy foods, which causes an over-abundance of acids and harmful chemicals. Other sources may include chemicals which enter the body through the respiratory system, whether they are from artificial fragrances, cleaning solutions, vehicle exhaust, smoke, or other poisons which are breathed in. Also worth mentioning are skin and hair products of all kinds, which can contain many harmful chemicals that are unnatural and abrasive to the body. Let us not forget drugs and pharmaceutical products, which are manufactured using a litany of unnatural fillers, adjuvants, and binding chemicals which are synthetic and many of them quite difficult for the body to process out.