What is a Healing Crisis?

As you progress through detoxification, and clean your body out, moving any harmful materials to the exits, you are liable to experience what is known as a Healing Crisis. This is a phenomenon which is sort of incredible and which is mystical in its own way to try and grasp what it’s all about. But, I will do my best to explain.

Here is the basic concept of the healing crisis: As toxins get released from being lodged inside your body, from your lymphatic system, your intestines, your organs, your fat deposits, and your connective tissue, they get dislodged and then are sent to one of your eliminative systems to be eliminated. During that process, some of these toxins can get re-absorbed back into the bloodstream and the trauma of the original detriment to the body can be re-experienced to some degree, as your body purges itself of that substance.

People have reported and I can personally attest to having old injury areas swell back up or become sensitive temporarily. You may even experience fleetingly the same symptoms of health issues in years past. The body is attempting to clear up blockages as well in the flow of the lymphatic system and the overall energy flow.

These are also emotional experiences. The body’s physical unit is deeply connected to an emotional experience as you are traveling throughout this lifetime. It’s impossible to transform the state of your physical unit dramatically without going through emotional cycles and sort of re-birthing your psyche, so to speak. Sometimes too we have emotional associations in the past where we caused harm to the body, acutely or cumulatively. As that harm is detoxified out of the body, so too can the emotional states get dislodged which were created during that same point in time.

Everybody’s life experience is different. Most people I know have undergone drama and trauma emotionally throughout their lifetime and carry some type of baggage from that. We need to heal from these things too, and my experience and observation of the experiences of others is that the healing crisis can actually be a beautiful way of letting go of negative experiences of the past, and throwing overboard negative emotional baggage and moving on to a fresh, clean slate.

Just keep in mind these emotions can get experienced on the way out, just like physical toxins can and it’s not always pleasant — but it’s normally short-lived, perhaps for hours or maybe a day or a couple of days maximum. Do understand that everybody is different and I can’t predict exactly what will happen with you on your journey to ultimate wellness if you have a healing crisis or multiple crises.

For me, the experiences I have had with healing crises — I’ve probably had seven or eight major ones over the course of seven plus years as of the time of writing being in the business of detoxifying myself — have been very fulfilling and I accepted them with welcome arms. Perhaps this is because of the low point that I had been coming from before getting well. If you know my personal story you will know that before getting healthy when I was sick I was so distraught and had lost the will to live.

After my first healing crisis, which basically appeared to be an intense, multi-day cold, with runny nose, coughing, aching, fever and lethargy, I felt amazing after it was over at how good I felt. I had never felt that way previously after a ‘cold’ (the symptoms of which had always been previously suppressed with synthetic medication and drugs).

This is the amazing power of detoxification, healing and regeneration that is possible if you embrace it.