Hierarchy of Raw Food Types

The term ‘raw foods’ is mentioned a lot throughout the course of Rapid Regeneration and the scope of different topics which are investigated here. I use this term loosely because this lifestyle is not really about living with strict, unbreakable rules. The exact definitions of what works best for each individual are best sculpted by that individual’s natural intuition and instincts about what works for him or her.

You may have one person who is functioning at their best when they are eating an abundance of fruit and very little vegetables. You may have somebody else who thrives when eating big salads or perhaps a lot of vegetable juices. You may have one person who really can’t stomach many nuts/seeds and feels drained of energy after eating them, and another who seems to do just fine. And so, what works for you is sort of left ultimately up to you — you are the boss of you.

Although every ‘body’ is different to some degree, I do want to address here some basic universalities having to do with different types of raw foods, and some scientific qualities especially with regard to the chemistry of the foods and the effects they create on the human body, so that you can know how to use these tools and how to approach certain situations.

The truth is that not all raw foods are created equal. Some are more friendly to the human digestive system than others. And for this reason, some individuals can get heavy into the healthy lifestyle, and seemingly go ‘all-in’ with raw foods to ramp up their health and vitality to a high level — but many times people can get stuck, stall out, plateau, and block themselves from reaching new heights because of the specific raw foods they choose to eat. In essence, they get stuck in a comfort zone which still creates imbalances in the body and the individual fails to really thrive and get to the next level.

This whole program is designed to give you the tools to have a higher level of awareness than I had when I started trying to use foods to heal myself and solve my health problems. Had I known a lot of this sooner, I think I would have been much more effective. I am paying forward this knowledge as sort of a karmic good deed and I hope that it helps you. Please use these insights to heighten your own awareness about the truth and how you can accomplish your goals by using the amazing powers of the raw foods available to you.

Don’t delay — take care of business and make it happen!