How Addicted Are You to the Foods You Eat?

Think about what kind of cravings do you get, for a certain salty, satiating, savory dish that makes your mouth water? Or for a sugary sweet chocolate treat or a pastry that puts you into a bliss point? How about the textures of some of your favorite snack foods or fast food menu items with a certain crunch or crispiness? Can you imagine the explosive party in your mouth that happens when you dip a piece of fried chicken tender into your favorite dipping sauce, and the satiating side dish of deep-fat-fried French fries?

It’s OK to admit that you feel drawn and compelled to these things, and you know what — it’s not your fault. Think about how you were fed all kinds of irresistible foods starting when you were a young child. Even your parents were probably not educated or informed or maybe didn’t have access to the internet at that time to bring you up a different way. And plus, factor in all the immense societal pressures and pressure from your peer groups from a young age.

On top of this, there is an industry who we’ll refer to as Big Agri / Big Food who spend tens and hundreds of millions of dollars (if not billions) to pay scientists — some of the smartest and brightest minds we have available in the modern world — to figure out how to get you more addicted to their food products, so that you’ll become a repeat customer.

They are a legal dope pusher of sorts, just like how doctors are allowed to supply addictive opiates to customers and have received financial compensation from Big Pharma and subsidies from the government in return. The food is the dope, and Big Agri unfortunately wants you hooked on their products so that you’ll return over and over and give them more of your money for the next fix, whether it’s at the grocery aisle or in the drive-through lane.

This is the harsh reality. We live in strange times here in the modern First World. Never before have so many options been available for consumption. We have the majority of adults in America overweight, and you can look around and see chronic diseases exploding, with statisticians having a field day trying to chart out the quantum leaps we’re seeing in people’s health going down the drain.

It’s OK to admit that there is a problem in our world — you would be highly unaware to not see that. And it’s OK to admit that you’ve been hooked on junk foods by the industry, or by society, or however you wish to describe it.

After learning the truth about this, the responsibility is yours if you want to get yourself un-addicted to these things. To be clear, what I am suggesting is not the Alcoholics-Anonymous-type modality where you say, ‘I am helpless and I will be an addict for my whole life, even if I abstain from consuming these substances’. I would give you a different mantra that goes something like, ‘I am responsible for overcoming my addiction and I am freeing myself of all negative addictions to harmful foods.’

Once you break out of these addictions, you can experience an elevating, dynamic energy like no other. It’s not like the stimulating energy you get from a sugary snack, a cup of coffee, alcohol, or any other substance. You will feel a truly deep, organic energetic spiral that comes from within and doesn’t crash. This includes being fully aware and high-functioning all day long, and feeling a sensory, pleasant sensation tingling throughout your body, something I have enjoyed ever since I really embraced high-vibrational foods.