
In the scope of the information that I will cover here with Rapid Regeneration, to figure out how to get yourself healthy and well, is:
— What are the optimal foods to eat?
— When and how to eat the different food types and different macro-nutrients (carbs, fats, proteins, etc.)?
— How does the body respond to different foods or how it is affected by different foods?
— Why and how are certain foods beneficial to the body encouraging cleansing and regeneration?
— Why and how are certain foods harmful to the body causing over-acidity, inflammation, degeneration of tissue, and other problems?
In order to understand these topics and effectively answer these questions, one must first understand how a body processes food in the first place.
Like a garbage chute almost, we throw stuff down our esophaguses all day long and say good luck to it, sending it off to be processed by the body. But what is this process really? What is the body actually doing with that? And does your body appreciate you for the gift, or resent you for the burden? The short answer is — it depends on the food type.
So let’s take a look into this process, to gain a higher awareness of what happens when you consume food. The greater awareness you have, the more power will rest at your fingertips to reach your health and wellness goals.
These are the main processes that occur when food is consumed:
1. The food first gets digested AKA broken down
2. The nutrients from the broken down food then need to be soaked up via the intestinal system
3. The absorbed nutrients then need to be used AKA fed to the cells to be used for energy
4. The wastes from all these processes finally need to be removed from the body
Let’s explore these processes individually to gain a better understanding.
Foods get digested by the mouth, stomach, pancreas, liver, and intestines. The type of digestion depends on the food consumed. For example, if protein is consumed, whether it is cooked meat or a handful of nuts, this is a more acidic digestive process involving the stomach releasing hydrochloric acid and creating pepsin. Then, the resulting material is digested with assistance by the liver, pancreas and small intestines in a complex digestive process.
For carbohydrate foods, they get digested by the mouth, in the small intestine and by the pancreas. For fats, they get digested partially by the stomach, but also with great assistance from the liver, which combines the fats with bile salts, and then the pancreas and small intestines work to hydrolyze the fats and break them down into fatty acids and monoglycerides.
After the food gets digested it then needs to be soaked up by the intestines. The intestines have small little pores lining the inside of the intestinal wall, and these pores absorb the nutrients. After passing through the small intestines, the ‘used-up’ remaining matter goes through the large intestines to be removed from the body, while at the same time additional nutrients are still being absorbed through the wall of the large intestines.
After the nutritional elements gets absorbed, the body must then be able to use the energetic compounds — after all, this is the ultimate purpose of food. This involves many different systems, organs, and functions of the body. Much of the food materials are processed additionally by the liver. The circulatory system and the blood also transport the nutrition throughout the body. The glands of the body create hormones and steroids to help balance this process of utilizing energy. The thyroid / parathyroid assists with utilization of calcium so the nutrients can be critically transported across cell membrane walls. We need to get the food from the farmer to the store to your house to inside your body — but ultimately these nutrients must pass through the membrane of that cell to feed and energize it. So these systems of the body need to be working properly to employ the energy and value from that food.
Finally, the body must get rid of what it does not need or want. Throughout the digestive process, obviously there is much material left over which is of no use to the body. This material needs to be eliminated from the body. Also we must consider that the very process of cells using energy results in metabolic wastes. Much like a car will burn fuel and produce exhaust as a result, so too do cells produce wastes as a result of burning fuel (the nutrients from the food). These chemical by-products need to be eliminated via the lymphatic system. As this occurs, these wastes get broken down into less acidic compounds via help from the body’s micro-biome of bacteria which feeds on wastes, and then eliminated out of the body via the kidneys and bladder.
So that explains the sequence of how the body processes food. It is helpful to have a higher-level awareness about what is actually happening to the food after it enters the body. Awareness is one of the great keys to getting yourself healthy and well and also for you to understand if you are harming yourself with certain actions or to really know if something is holding you back that could be an easy fix if you approach it from the right angle.
With all this in mind, there are a couple main concerns that I must consider about this process of food consumption and how people might struggle with their health situations.
First of all, if an individual is eating foods which are shocking and offensive to the body, this can cause a number of issues. Certain cooked foods, especially those which are highly processed and full of chemicals, are very difficult for the body to digest. Also when certain foods are combined together, for example a starch and a protein are eaten at the same time, this can result in the digestive processes not working efficiently (covered more in depth in an upcoming segment about Food Combining). If the body doesn’t fully or properly digest the food in the first place, it won’t be properly absorbed, much less utilized, and it can be more difficult for the body to eliminate.
Separately, when an individual eats foods that do not digest well, these undigested materials traveling through the gut can actually block nutrient absorption for future foods. This is one of the big reasons I believe intestinal cleansing is one of the first orders of business when detoxifying, because of a typical colon’s condition from so much bad habits of prior food eating. For example, gluten, white flour, and other starches and grains can stick to the bowel walls inside the intestines like a glue — as time goes on, this problem can get worse and worse. Now the body cannot affectively absorb nutrition because the slime wall is blocking the absorbing pores of the intestines.
Additionally, when eating any food products which are acid-forming, such as dairy, meat, grains or beans, the mucosa within the intestines will secrete mucus which line the walls of the bowels. This is a protective action taken by the body to create a buffer so as not to be harmed by the acids. However, this creates a problem all in its own. When mucus is secreted over and over again, it layers upon itself repeatedly, and creates a slime wall which can ultimately harden and become a thick, acidic wafer that is stuck to the inside of the intestines. This problem can be made worse but consuming more gluey foods like flours and starches which can paste onto the wall and thicken it.
To add insult to injury, once you have a slime wall within the gut, it can become a breeding ground and the perfect nesting site for parasites and harmful organisms. Make no mistake — parasites are not something that only third-world countries suffer from. Parasites thrive in highly acidic environments full of wastes. This makes things even worse from the perspective of getting nutrients from food, because parasites can also suck up much of the nutrients before the body can absorb them.
Are you starting to see the domino affect of putting harmful food items into the body?
Going beyond digestion, if the body is able to digest and/or absorb harmful foods to some degree, the broken-down material is that much more difficult to utilize. Think of it as burning ‘dirty fuel’ as opposed to ‘clean fuel’. It takes much more work, effort, and creates much more wasteful metabolic byproducts when the body burns dirty fuel as opposed to clean fuel. A good example of this is complex sugars, like those from processed sugars, dairy or grains, compared with simple sugars like fructose from fruit or glucose from vegetables.
When the body consumes fructose for example, the cell membrane simply inducts that nutrition simply by diffusion. With complex sugars, insulin is required to get it into the cell wall (via a process called ‘active transport’), which can cause a big spike of insulin from the pancreas and create all kinds of imbalances within the body.
Or let’s say if an individual is consuming a diet very high in protein, and consumes very few foods containing pure amino acids like fruits and vegetables — this is very taxing on the liver, requiring the body to break down these proteins into amino acids before they can be used by the body’s cells. This digestive process creates a lot of acidic byproducts which then have to be neutralized by the body.
Acid-forming foods can cause chemistry in the body to go into a cationic state, where different compounds start to clump together. This can cause very harmful conditions where cells can be unable to take in nutrients or respirate effectively.
If the body is consuming acid-forming foods, attempting to utilize these materials and creating a very acidic condition, then the body will respond to buffer those acids. For example the body will react via the thyroid gland in its utilization of calcium, which can commonly pull calcium from body tissues to buffer these acids, or the lymphatic system will retain water causing an individual to become bloated, or the liver will create excess cholesterol, lining cell walls as a protective buffer against acids. Lipid blobs and lumps can even form encapsulating highly acidic areas as a buffer.
All of these things are simply a defensive reaction to acidic-forming foods, but all of them have unintended consequences, making it harder for the body to function properly and utilize nutrition from food as it comes in. For example, a functioning thyroid and liver are needed to properly utilize nutrients from food, but if calcium utilization is out of balance, and excessive cholesterol production is occurring, this can be very taxing on both of those systems causing both thyroid and liver function to be far less than full functionality.
If improper foods are being eaten, as mentioned before, the wastes and acids from this process may not be eliminated effectively. This can be devastating and definitely fatal after enough time. The lymphatic system, kidneys and other eliminative systems can only handle so much. If the body becomes overly backed up, then it will not properly eliminate the wastes from cellular functions. If this happens, the wastes become backed up all throughout the body, causing ‘aches and pains’ from the acidic nature of these wastes. The cells of the body now sit into stagnant pools of acids. This over-toxicity can ultimately penetrate into the cell walls, entering the cells and now creating toxicity within the cells themselves. This can lead to the cells losing their function and even mutating, becoming damaged or irregular.
All of these lead down a very unpleasant road. For some individuals, this can happy quickly and one or more out of the food processing systems of the body can crash like a train-wreck, followed over time by the others. For other people, this can happen very gradually over many years or decades.
Just consider this parting thought if you are now in a place where you want to turn your body around, clean it out, detoxify it, and regenerate it. If in fact one of your main food processing systems has been compromised through the eating of bad junk foods, please consider that you may struggle even to benefit from raw, healthy, living foods that contain the energy and chemistry needed to revitalize your system.
If you start eating fresh, ripe fruit and really kick it up a notch, just consider that if your digestive system is impaired, it won’t digest properly. A lot of people’s pancreases are burned out from all the crazy foods that have been dealt with over the years. As a result, the pancreas may not secrete the right amount of enzymes to help the small intestines digest the food.
Assuming you can pull off digestion, if the bowel wall is impacted and covered with a slime wall, then the nutrients from this amazing food can’t even get soaked up through the wall. So what’s the point? The beneficial nutrients just get eliminated out with the rest of the wastes.
Assuming some nutrients do get absorbed, your body’s systems like liver and thyroid may be under-active, causing the cells not to be able to effectively actually use the energy from those nutrients.
And assuming the nutrients get used by the body, your lymphatic system and other eliminative systems could be backed up and so the wastes from these healthful foods would simply continue to back up and stagnate within the body.
I don’t mean to be discouraging by bringing this up. I just mean to say that to fix all this, it takes some hard work upfront. Because of these systems breaking down and experiencing low function, the body may not even be as ready as you are to start benefiting from raw, healthful foods and may need some extra care and work from you.
That is why I present information in a certain order, starting with bowel cleansing, liver cleansing, then parasite cleansing, and utilizing herbal formulas early on to stimulate different systems in the body back into a direction of working properly again. This will help tremendously in the beginning, as you transition into more healthy and raw foods, because otherwise your body may not benefit very well right away.
Stay positive my friend — in almost all cases, the state of each of these food processing departments are absolutely reversible, given enough effort and time. Just keep in mind you will need to undo the many years of harm that have been done to these systems. It could take months or even years of cleansing and transitioning to healthier foods, before your body is nice and cleaned out, functioning at a high level, and able to properly use the foods you are feeding it.
Trust me — your body will thank you for this, big-time. Once you get over that hurdle, and you feel the sensation of your body when it is actually digesting foods, absorbing nutrients, utilizing energy, and eliminating wastes effectively, it is an amazing blessing. It’s a sensual experience unlike any other, and will lessen your desire for alcohol or drugs, because it’s a high of its own!
I hope someday you will experience it for yourself!