In life, there are no guarantees. Every day you are on this Earth is a bonus and there are no entitlements in the natural world. If you are lucky enough to get out of bed and put both feet on the ground, then the rest is up to you.
The same is true with taking a great leap of faith in terms of investing in supplements, taking the energy and time to do a multi-day cleanse or flush, or making changing to your diet to eliminate toxic harmful foods and incorporate the energetic power of raw foods — especially fruits.
The best things in life come when you take a risk, put yourself out there, and really lay it on the line, venturing into uncharted territory to claim something great for yourself. This is nerve-racking and something we are hard-wired to avoid doing. Our reptilian brain, the amygdala, is programmed to avoid discomfort and foreign situations. This is simply a survival instinct left over from a more pre-historic time.
However, in today’s modern world, it is an excess of comfort and convenience that have caused people to lose their strength and mobility in terms of athleticism, as well as let themselves go physically due to too much eating of indulgent, unhealthy food items.
There are (possible) great rewards awaiting those who can overcome their own simplistic survival programming, and discover their own inner willpower to freely make the choice to make a change. But, it’s not a guarantee that it will work.
What is the worst thing that would happen? Let’s say somebody is at the end of their rope health-wise, having grown desperate with a handful of very aggravating, discouraging health problems. This person feels a shadow of his former self, possessing nowhere near the energy and vitality that he used to have back in his ‘glory days’. He has been told that feeling tired, lethargic, with brain fog, aches and pains is just a deal that must be accepted that comes with being in your 30s / 40s / 50s / 60s / 70s, etc.
So, he decides to invest $500 in top-of-the-line, high-quality herbal supplements to do a 90-day cleanse regiment — including the multi-day cleanses covered in this program — where he will be stimulating his lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, bowels, immune system, and endocrine gland system to clean out and rejuvenate his body.
He also spends an additional $250 over the course of the same three months because of buying higher-quality, organic ingredients as opposed to the regular poor-quality ingredients he normally eats.
He spends the first month taking the supplements and doing both cleanses, while keeping his diet mostly the same. The second month he cuts out a lot of the junk foods and foods with chemicals, and eats more servings of fruits, but still is eating basically the same foods as before but just organic or higher quality ingredients. The third month he really tries to cut out as much acid-forming foods as possible, eating less cooked foods in general, and eat more raw foods consisting of fruits, some vegetables and some nuts and seeds.
This was a pretty big investment of money, time and energy — $750, plus a lot of focus, dedication, time and willpower. But ultimately, it’s not like this hypothetical person gambled the family farm to do this. He didn’t pilfer away his life savings, or his children’s college fund, or quit his job, or leave his wife, or make any sacrifice that is too big to bear.
And if none of it worked? If by the end of all that, he feels no difference and has experienced no improvement in his problems and no greater sensation of overall well-being, then I would say that seems strange, unusual, and unfortunate, but I will admit that this could be possible. If so, he would have gained nothing, and would have lost $750, plus a few nights of going out with his friends to eat junk food, and possibly some strain and extra pressure on his work or personal relationships to make room for him going through this (hopefully not because ideally they would be supportive of his investing in his health).
$500 is actually more than you would really need to spend to make a big dent, as the man in this example went all out investing in some extra supplements as well. You can do the ‘Big Three’ total body cleanses for around $200 — $300 (colon, liver and parasite cleanses). For those of you who can’t scrape together a couple hundred dollars, then perhaps you could just do the food portion of the challenge, scrapping the supplements. Although the supplements are a huge part of the immense power of the amazing benefits of raw foods and natural health, so I would feel quite badly about you missing out on that and would feel that you are not giving the methods a proper chance at working fully.
Honestly, if you can’t get your hands on the dough to try and save your own health and well-being, that is a whole other problem you need to figure out. I am a certified Detoxification Specialist from the International School of Regenerative Detoxification, and I understand the body inside and out and how to get it cleaned up. I am not a financial whiz or guru of producing income, but I know there are ways you can somehow produce two or three Benjamin Franklins to invest in your health.
I understand that these are hard times for a lot of people, with many people struggling to make ends meet. If I were to offer any guidance on this, it would be to simply stay focused on the goal. You could pick up a second job and spend a couple weekends driving for a ride-sharing company or delivering food. You could ask your family to help your cause or post on social media asking for donations. You could spend 10 minute brainstorming ideas for where to collect the money, and I’ll bet you could figure it out.
The point of this segment is that nothing is guaranteed and nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter. Amazing results in terms of health and well-being are waiting for those individuals who really grab the wheel of their own life and navigate directly towards that goal. For other people just waiting for all the results to land in their lap, without committing any time, energy or money, this will only get them so far.
Do you know somebody who is extremely skeptical about whether natural wellness techniques and raw organic foods can even work and is even something worth investing in? Maybe this person is looking for more data about it working.
This is a toughie, because very little industry or academic type tests have been done validating this (double-blind studies, etc.). Those types of tests are very costly to produce. They are usually paid for by Big Pharma who will typically only pay for studies that benefit their products and support their agenda.
What you could do is look online at another type of compelling data — anecdotal evidence. There are hundreds, thousands even of testimonials from individuals just like myself, who have completely reversed themselves health-wise, transformed themselves physically and mentally, and taken themselves from Hell to Paradise in terms of wellness.
These are testimonies that are nothing short of miraculous of people telling their stories of dramatic transformation. Take a few hours to browse videos online of people testifying as to how raw foods and natural health saved their life, specifically those who used fruits and raw foods to get themselves well, in addition to herbal supplements.
Or, skip the tedious research, and just go with your instinct and intuition — accept the worst-case scenario if these methods don’t work, and just go for it!
Ultimately in putting together the information for Rapid Regeneration, this is not really categorized as a motivational program. Rather, I am hoping to distill key information, strategies, tactics, and roadmaps, for individuals who are motivated to help themselves to really improve their health, invest in themselves, take action, and see what happens.
For those of you who are willing to give it a try, I would not assure you of some kind of impossible guarantee, but I am hoping you will discover miraculous and amazing results that will pay you back one thousand-fold for your efforts, just as they have for me!
Good luck… You can do it!