How to Solve the Cause of a Health Problem

This is a million-dollar question, if not a billion, trillion, or quadrillion dollar question. Actually the answer is simple… but it’s not easy.

People generally make big changes in their lives for one of two reasons — inspiration or desperation. And 90% or more of people in my view do not make significant life changes out of inspiration. So the question becomes, is my dear friend desperate enough to give this all-natural approach a try? If not, then give it a few more months or years, and perhaps she will be. Health problems and painful maladies are many times a one-way street, and generally continue to degenerate and decline and grow worse over time. It makes me shudder just thinking about some of the dear souls I have known in this lifetime which have gone through this downward spiral.

Luckily, there is an exit ramp off of this road to Hell, that can be accessed any time, for those who have been given the intel. For those who have no idea about this approach, I feel very sorry for them. My goal is to help spread awareness so that individuals — like yourself — who are interested in improving their health and who have the gumption to give it a try, can do so. Everybody on this planet should at least know about this data as an option and can enlist their own free will if they want to make this change or not.

To solve the cause a health problem, simply get your body into peak, ideal fighting shape. If a body is cleared of all toxins, acids, mucus, parasites & harmful chemicals, and is put in a state of balanced, alkaline chemistry — and also the mind that is interconnected with the body stays in a positive state — and the surrounding environment is relatively clean and positive as well, then these are the conditions needed for the cause of a health problem to be solved.

Much as a plant will regrow itself, so too does the body’s DNA have the intelligence to regain its balance. For some reason, in our Western society, we have forgotten, disregarded, or denied the supreme intelligence of our own DNA. In fact, the power of the human body to rebalance itself is just as powerful as all other elements of nature — such as the ability of birds and butterflies to fly thousands of miles and navigate precisely, the ability of fish to swim upstream hundreds of miles to mate, the ability of an animal’s natural instinct to walk, run or fly just days after birth, and the relentless ability of plants to proliferate and thrive in spite of great adversities.

In order for this self-healing process to work, the individual who is operating the body needs to have some faith in it. It is therefore a self-fulfilling prophecy. If somebody doesn’t believe they can fix their health problems naturally, then unfortunately I don’t have much faith that they will either.

It’s not that somebody has to be all-in, drinking the cool-aid, and believing 100% in an outcome of something — this would be the opposite extreme and would show poor discernment of an individual. Rather, somebody just needs to believe in the possibility that their health problem can be solved at the very root cause of it. This is the seed or kernel of hope that can sprout into the most amazing blossoming creation that can fulfill the idea into a reality of healing and regeneration.

To the degree that the body is free of obstructions, negative energy and harmful chemistry is the degree to which the body can really fully heal itself.

The most important thing is to get started. Go ahead and give it a try. It doesn’t mean that you need to radically go cold-turkey on everything and go from black to white overnight. Just go on and get started in the direction of getting out of your body’s way — start reducing the amount of acidic chemistry you are putting into your body and start working on cleaning out the toxic buildup inside.