How to Go Through Detox While Holding Down a Regular Job

One of the things that may hold people back, or keep them from making progress in terms of solving their health problems and achieving optimum health is the fact that everybody has to make a living on this planet. This is indeed a toughie. It seems that before we get the chance to work on ourselves, we have to pay the piper first. In order to maintain an economic system of exchange, most of us have to put in the hours serving somebody else just to pay the bills and put food on the table before we can take time for self-care.

How do you construct a life where you can make a comfortable living doing something you enjoy and where you have bandwidth, freedom and creativity? This is obviously a big question which ultimately is outside of the scope of the information here in Rapid Regeneration. I would not describe myself as super qualified to advise in this area at the time of writing because I am still working on creating more of an ideal scene for my own life. I have figured out a few things in terms of how to earn a comfortable living and also balance that with achieving results in other important areas of life such as eliminating health problems and achieving wellness goals.

What I would like to focus on is the scenario which is what most people experience — not having the dream job, but rather having some kind of stressful obligation where somebody has to work hard and in return earns a living and thus progresses forward through life in this way. If this is you, then how can you now — on top of that foundation — achieve your health goals? That is what I’ve managed to do since really going after my health problems aggressively starting in the summer of 2015.

To summarize this experience, when I was first going through detox, regeneration, and rebuilding myself while holding down a job, this made things more challenging at work initially. Ultimately, once I really starting feeling great and after achieving extraordinary levels of energy, work became far easier than it ever had been and I began running circles around my peers.

My message overall is that this task can absolutely be accomplished, and you can do it. Do not let your vocation or your business hold you back from your #1 job — which is to make sure you enjoy a long, healthy lifespan free of health problems.

But as you know, I do not sugar-coat these things. Ultimately, if solving a health problem was easy, everybody would solve their health problems. The fact that it is challenging is your opportunity to do what so many others haven’t. And while it may not be easy, it is simple and straightforward. I will explain exactly how I got through the challenge and broke through the other side.

There are certain things no doubt that are better handled at home, and I will address those first. The ones that come to mind — which are two methods that I find are extremely effective especially early on when somebody is starting to work on themselves — are the five-day colon cleanse and the five-day liver cleanse (especially the liver cleanse).

I know some people who get into this journey of detoxification and self-healing that break off from prospects of earning a living in conventional ways. He or she might simply live in their van or at their parents’ house, pan-handle on the streets, or do odd jobs or freelance work. To me this has always seemed even more stressful even than the pressures of an undesirable job. But if that’s what works for you, go for it — I can only relay to you what I know and what’s worked for me.

For me personally, getting through that first year was challenging for sure, and probably would be for you too. But if you can make it through, and still keep nurturing your main job at the same time, by the time you get through the first segment of detoxifying yourself you should be in a much stronger position to perform your job even more easily and productively.