How to Transition to Eating Healthier Foods

Wanting to do something and actually doing it are miles apart, and that gap represents the difference between failure and success. Indeed, most people want to be healthier, exist at an ideal weight, carry a certain degree of athleticism, and maintain high levels of energy and vitality. But most people live in a perpetual state of, “I’ll do that later. Someday, I’ll start that workout program and clean up how I’m eating and stop with the late-night snacks and all the fried foods and fast foods.”

I would like to offer some guidance on how to actually bridge the gap between figuring out that a more raw-food-centric lifestyle could help you to solve your health problems, and actually implementing some of these things. How do you actually start cutting out the things you’re eating now which you know are harmful for your health? And how do you actually get to the point where you actually desire and crave healthy, vibrant foods? You can arrive at a state where eating healthy is easy, and avoiding junk foods is nearly effortless. It’s not going to happen overnight — but I will show you some insights on how to successfully transition as quickly and easily as possible, if you’ll bear with me.

The short answer for how to successfully transition is: Do it slowly, but surely. You don’t need to get too ambitious too quickly on making dramatic changes. In fact, if you too hit the gas pedal too hard, this can burn you out and strip your gears. You could throw yourself into an intense healing crisis.

The way I transitioned was with no special end-game in mind. I wasn’t thinking about going fully raw, 80% raw, or any other specific outcome. I was just feeling the power of eating fruits and wanting to turn up the knob on the dial of my own energy and vitality. So that is the first trick — just to add in more fruit throughout your day. When you eat fruit, it is recommended that you eat it by itself and not with other foods (for a more complete understanding of why that is important, please see the section entitled: ‘Essential Knowledge for Proper Food Combining’).

The fruit when eaten alone will digest relatively quickly and will give you the full benefit of alkalizing your body. Otherwise, if the fruit is eaten with other types of foods like fat, protein or starch, the sugars from the fruit will get held up in the stomach, ferment, and turn to alcohol, losing its helpful benefits and creating acidic chemistry instead.

You might consider this initial strategy of adding in more fruits into your day as ‘meal re-placement’. However, for me this was more of meal ‘delay-ment’. In other words, instead of eating a breakfast of eggs and whatever else at 9:00am, I would eat a big bowl of fruit at 9:00am. Then, I would have my regular breakfast at 10:30am or 11:00am.

Another example — instead of eating a lunch of chicken tacos at 12:30pm, I would eat a big melon, a smoothie, or bowl of fruit at 12:30pm, and lunch would be delayed until 2:00pm or 2:30pm. So on and so forth. Ultimately throughout this process, it would be only natural that you will eat less ‘regular meals’ (or smaller portions) and more ‘fruit meals’ throughout the day. But, there are no rules on how much you should eat, fruit-wise, or regular-food-wise — just start to work in more fruit into your daily life.

Just by going through this process, you should feel a natural boost of energy and awareness from the raw power of fruits. Be sure to be eating ripe, healthy fruits. A bonus to you if you can eat more of the tropical, watery, liquid type fruits like oranges, grapes, pineapple, and melons.